CBSE Class 8 English Jalebis Summary
Short Summary
It’s a story of a boy who had a passion for devouring jalebis, a sweet. He had money to pay for his school fees. His temptation overtook his reason and he surrendered. But his inability to arrange money for the fee. He waited for a miracle to happen but nothing works out for him. In later years, he attained knowledge that ‘there is a reason behind everything that happens’.
Jalebis Summary in English
The narrator shares his anecdote when he was in fifth standard studying in a govt, school in Atak. He was given four rupees to pay the school fees to his teacher Master Ghulam Mohammed. But due to his absence, he had to return with the money.
When he was on his way, he heard the coins speaking which was nothing but a playful child’s mind. He tried to convince himself with logic and sensible approach that coins won’t talk. But the logic failed, his other mind spoke about fresh jalebis that are meant to be eaten and only money could buy it for him.
However, his honesty and obedience to his elders contradict the temptation and the voice of coins. He reprimanded coins and said that looking at things was not good because he was getting so much at home.
Secondly it was his fees he couldn’t spend it on other things. He feared God. Thirdly the teacher might punish him severely without any considerations.
The coins disliked his logics and hesitations. He got conscious as the coins were making noise by rustling with each other. He held them tightly. After a few steps, he loosened his grip.
One coin complained that he was strangulating them for speaking in his favour. It advised him to pay the fee amount by the scholarship amount that he was going to get every month.
The coin reteriated that Jalebis are delicacies full of sweet syrup, on listening to that, the boy was tempted for some time. Then he recalled his elegance and prestige he had earned in his school.
He won a scholarship four rupees a month and his family was the respectable one. He did not want to be punished for jalebis, so again his head won over his heart.
He reached his home and ate well. But surrendering to his home and ate well. But surrendering to his temptation, he ran towards the bazaar and bought jalebis of one rupee. The halwai gave him a packet of jalebis wrapped in a newspaper.
When he was about to start eating, he saw Tonga of Chachajaan, returning from court. Afraid of disclosure of his act, he ran into a gali and started eating jalebis. He ate beyond his limits. He was approached by neigh-bourhood boys.
He shared his remaining jalebis with them. That generosity attracted more children, he then went to halwai to buy more jalebis to distribute amongst the left outs. He felt elated like a Governor who dis-tribute & do charity to the poor.
He was approached by children, beggars, he felt so elated. He realized that the presence of crowd could ensure his success in election if he ever tried for it. The demand for jalebis was rising, so he again spent the remaining two rupees to buy jalebis.
After distributing jalebis, he cleaned himself as if nothing had happened. He was again and again burping as he was full. He had to have dinner otherwise his deed would have been caught.
That day, he could not sleep because of the stomach ache. He mocked at himself that if he had swallowed too much of jalebis, his words would come out as jalebis.
Next morning was a refreshing and normal one. He picked up his chalk and slate. He pacified himself by saying that he would repay the fee by the scholarship amount. He generally get on scheduled time.
However, he was shocked when he learnt that his scholarship would be paid in the following month. Later the teacher declared he would collect the fee amount in the recess.
Burdened with his guilt, he picked up his bag and moved out of the school. He was depressed and prayed to God as he knew that God could be his saviour and only hope. He promised that he would never eat jalebis. Lost in his thoughts he reached the point where the Kambelpur railway station began.
His elders had warned him never to cross the railway tracks. He sat under a tree and was remorseful because he had violated the commands of elders. He was almost on the verge of a break down.
He prayed to God and admitted his mistake. Tired and hopeless he left for home. On the way jalebiwala again asked him for jalebi. But he moved on quietly. Next day, instead of going to school, he sat under the same tree at the railway station.
He pleaded God to send him a coin but he was apprehensive too. He wanted God to hide the money under a stone. He took a last chance and reached the stone and found a worm under it.
He thought that he would pray harder or decided to make a deal with him. When he reached home, his absence from school was revealed to his family. He kept on wondering why Allah did not help him. Until he was in class seventh or eighth standard; he realized the truth and became rational in approach.
Jalebis Summary in Hindi
वर्णनकर्ता पाँचवी कक्षा का छात्र था। एक दिन वह जेब में चार रुपये रखकर स्कूल गया। उसे स्कूल की फीस देनी थी। पर स्कूल मास्टर गुलाम मोहम्मद, जो फीस लेते थे, छुट्टी पर थे।
सारा दिन सिक्के उस बालक की जेब में पड़े रहे। पर जैसे ही वह स्कूल के बाहर निकला, वे एक साथ खनकने लगे। एक ने तो सचमुच बोलकर कहा कि जाकर गर्म, चासनी भरी और ताजी जलेबियाँ खाओ। वह बोला पैसा तो खर्च करने के लिये होता है। पर बालक फीस की राशि खर्च करने में हिचक रहा था। वह अपने क्लास टीचर की सख्ती से परिचित था।
पर सिक्के संतुष्ट नहीं हुए। वे एक साथ बोलने लगे। बालक ने चारों सिक्कों को कसकर पकड़ लिया। जैसे ही उसने पकड़ ढीली की सबसे पुराना सिक्का बोला क्या जलेबी खाने की तुम्हारी इच्छा नहीं है? और फिर तुम्हें तो कल छात्रवृति के चार रुपये मिल ही जायेंगे। फिर आसानी से फीस चुका देना।
बालक के मुँह में पानी आ गया। पर फिर भी जलेबी खरीदने की उसकी हिम्मत नहीं हुई। वह पढ़ाई में अव्वल था और उसका परिवार भी संपन्न था। उसके लिये यह अशोभनीय था कि वह बाजार के बीच खड़ा होकर जलेबी खाए। सिक्कों ने हार नहीं मानी। घर लौटकर बालक ने लंच खाया। वह जलेबी के प्रलोभन पर काबू पाना चाहता था। पर अंततः उसने हथियार डाल दिये। वह दौड़कर मिठाई . की दुकान पर गया और एक रुपये की जलेबियाँ खरीद लीं। उसे काफी मात्रा में जलेबियाँ मिल गई।
अपने चाचा को कोर्ट से लौटते देखकर बालक एक गली में चला गया। वहाँ उसने छककर जलेबियाँ खाई। शीघ्र ही पड़ोस के बालकों ने उसे घेर लिया। बालक ने उन्हें भी जलेबियाँ दीं। उसने शेष बचे तीन रुपये भी जलेबियों पर खर्च कर दिये स्वयं भी खूब खाया तथा बच्चों को भी खिलाया। फिर उसने हाथ मुँह धोया। वह घर लौट आया। उसे लगा कि इतनी जलेबियाँ हजम करना कठिन होगा। सारी रात उसके पेट में दर्द होता रहा। प्रात: वह ठीक हो गया और स्कूल के लिए निकल पड़ा। अब उसके सामने एक नयी समस्या आ गई। छात्रवृत्ति अब अगले महीने मिलनी थी। उसका सिर चकराने लगा। जब स्कूल के टिफन की घंटी लगी वह स्कूल से भाग कर रेलवे स्टेशन पहुँच गया। वह उदास तथा भयभीत था। यदि उसे छात्रवृत्ति मिलने में बिलम्ब होने की जानकारी होती तो वह जलेबियों पर फीस का पैसा कभी भी खर्च न करता।
जलेबी पर खर्च की गई फीस की रकम अब उस पर भारी पड़ने लगी। उसे फिर शिक्षक की बेंत का ध्यान आया। उसने परमात्मा से विनती करनी शुरु की। उसने नमाज की आयतें पढ़ीं। ईश्वर को खुश करने के लिए उसने क्षमा माँगी तथा अल्लाह से निवेदन किया कि चार रुपये उसे भेज दे। पर उसके सारे यत्न विफल रहे। अल्लाह ने कोई दया नहीं दिखाई। एक दिन वह पकड़ा गया। स्कूल से उसकी अनुपस्थिति की सूचना घर पहुँच गई थी। कई वर्षों बाद उसे समझ आई कि ईश्वर उन्हीं की मदद करता है जो अपनी मदद आप करते हैं। ईश्वर कुछ भी माँगने से देता नहीं। हर किसी को अपने व्यवहार को संयमित रखना चाहिए।
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