Short Summary
This is a story by Sir Rudyard Kipling. It is a fable. This is a story about a lazy camel. He would not work and would just say ‘Humph!’ to everyone who asked him to work. The horse, the dog, and the ox went to him to ask him to work. But he did not listen to them.
All three had to work double-time due to this. Thus, they decided to complain about the camel to the Djinn of All Deserts. When the camel did not listen to the Djinn also, he punished him by giving him a hump. With the help of this hump, a camel can now work for three days without even eating or drinking.
How the Camel Got His Hump Summary in English
At the beginning of the world, various animals started to work under the subjugation of man. There was a camel who was fed on sticks, thorns, and prickles was living in the middle of a Howling Desert. He was not interested in doing any work. Even if he was asked, his only reply was Humph.
On Monday, a horse approached with the saddle on his back and asked him to trot like the rest of them. The camel gave him a cold reply and said ‘Humph’. The horse went away and informed the man. Then came a dog with a stick in his mouth. He asked him to come along to do some work.
The camel said ‘Humph’ and turned a cold shoulder to him. Then the dog left to tell it to the man. There after came an ox with the yoke on his neck and asked to plow like him.
The camel replied ‘Humph’. The ox reported the man about this. At the end of the day they complained to the man. But the man asked them to work double-time to make up.
This annoyed the three and they held a panchayat on the edge of the desert. The camel listened to it but ignored them and left. Then appeared the Djinn who were in charge of all deserts.
They put forward their complaints before the Djinn. And then he decided to teach him a lesson. The Djinn wrapped himself in his dust cloak and went into the desert to find the camel.
The Djinn reproached the camel who was looking at his reflection in the mirror. He asked the reasons of his reluctance to work. It was expected from the camel to do three works since Monday.
Djinn waited for his reply who in turn said ‘Humph’. Djinn warned him by saying that he wouldn’t say ‘Humph’ again and again. He just wanted him to work. His adamant attitude annoyed the Djinn.
When the camel was seeing his reflection in Water, his back suddenly grew up a lump. Djinn explained to him that the camel had been in a state of denial when he was asked to work since Monday.
On Thursday, he got punishment of his wrongdoings. The camel was shocked to see that and asked him ‘how can I’ with this hump on my back. Djinn said that he could complete his work without taking any food or water.
Djinn also added that he favored the camel and now he should join the Three. He warned him to behave properly. However, he still doesn’t catch up with the initial three days that he missed at the beginning of the world. His hump at present is the penalty of his past mistake.
How the Camel Got His Hump Summary in Hindi
संसार की संरचना अभी हो रही थी। कई पशुओं ने मनुष्य की सेवा करना शुरु कर दिया था। घोड़ा, कुत्ता तथा बैल बोझ ढोते थे और मनुष्य की सेवा करते थे। पर केवल एक जानवर, ऊँट, ऐसा था जो काम करने से जी चुराता था। वह मरुस्थल में रहता था तथा कँटीले पौधे पत्ते खाता था। जब कोई उससे कुछ बोलता तो वह कहता- ‘हफ’।
एक सोमवार को सुबह-सुबह घोड़ा ऊँट के पास गया। इस रेगिस्तानी पशु को उसने बोला कि तुम भी हमारी तरह काम करो। कुत्ते तथा बैल ने भी यह बात कही। पर उन्हें कोई सफलता नहीं मिली। पशुओं ने ऊँट के विरुद्ध मनुष्य से शिकायत की। मनुष्य नाराज हो गया और उन्हें ऊँट के काम की भरपाई के लिए दोगुना काम करने को कहा। इससे वे पशु खुश नहीं हुए। उन्होंने एक पंचायत बुलाई। ऊँट उन पर हँसा और चला गया।
शीघ्र ही रेगिस्तान का मालिक जिन्न वहाँ आ गया। उसने पशुओं की शिकायत सुनी और उनकी बात से सहमति जताई। उसने ऐसे आलसी पशु को दण्ड देने की ठान ली। उसने ऊँट को एक जलाशय में अपना प्रतिबिम्ब देखते पाया। ऊँट ने अन्य पशुओं को सोमवार प्रातः से अतिरिक्त मेहनत करने को विवश किया था। जिन्न ने जब उस से सफाई मांगी तो ऊँट ने आवाज निकाली ‘हंफ! उसने काम करने की इच्छा नहीं जताई।
जिन्न ने ऊँट को श्राप दे दिया। शीघ्र ही ऊँट की पीठ पर बड़ा-सा कूबड़ उठ आया। बृहस्पतिवार का दिन था। ऊँट को बताया गया कि तुम तीन दिन तक भूखे रहकर काम कर सकते हो क्योंकि तुम्हारा भोजन तुम्हारे कूबड़ में जमा है। पर कूबड़ के रहते बोझा ढोना असम्भव था। जिन्न बोला कि कूबड़ तुम्हारा भोजन का भण्डार है। उसने यह भी कहा कि, यह अपने आप गायब हो जायेगा जब ऊँट सही व्यवहार करना सीख जायेगा।
ऊँट अन्य तीनों जानवरों के साथ काम करने निकल गया। उस दिन से वह कूबड़ उसकी पीठ पर बना रहा, पर काम से छुटकारा उसे नहीं मिला। फिर भी उसने अभी तक अच्छा आचरण करना नहीं सीखा।
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