India After Independence MCQ Questions Class 8 Social Science with Answers
Question. Some important features of the Indian Constitution are given below: Pick if any, statement not true.
(a) The Constitution stressed on Hindu Pakistan ideals
(b) It offered special privileges for the poorest and most disadvantaged Indians
(c) It guaranteed equality before the law to all citizens, regardless of their caste or religious affiliation
(d) All Indians above the age of 21 would be allowed to vote in state and national elections
Answer : A
Question.When did the Constituent Assembly met in?
(a) Bombay
(b) New Delhi
(c) Calcutta
(d) Madras
Answer: B
Question- _____ is known as the Father of Indian Constitution.
(a) Rajendra Prasad
(b) S C Mukherjee
(c) B R Ambedkar
(d) Lala Lajpat Rai
Answer : C
Question. Who was Potti Sriramulu?
African leader
Gandhian leader
Congress leader
None of these
Answer: B
Question. How many countries of the world joined the conference of Bandung in Indonesia?
(a) 29 countries
(b) Less than 20 countries
(c) More than 100 countries
(d) 100 countries
Answer : A
Question- _____ died fasting for demand for a separate state for Telugu people.
(a) A C Rao
(b) Potti Sriramalu
(c) Maulana Azad
(d) T T Krishnamachari
Answer : B
Question. Why was the date 26 January 1950 chosen for the new Constitution to come into force ?
(a) To coincide the Birthday of the Father of Indian Constitution , B R Ambedkar
(b) To coincide the integration of the princely states
(c) To coincide with the 20th anniversary of the celebration of the Independence day at the Lahore session of the Congress under Nehru
(d) To coincide the day on which Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated
Answer : C
Question- ______ was formulated in 1956.
(a) Finance Commission
(b) Second Five Year Plan
(c) Planning Commission
(d) Agriculture Commission
Answer : B
Question.How can we describe the practice of untouchability?
(a) Inhuman practice
(b) Derogatory practice
(c) Slur and blot on the Hindu society
(d) All of them
Answer : D
Question.On which country’s model did Jawahar Lal Nehru develop the Five Year Plans?
(a) USA
(b) France
(c) Soviet Union
(d) Japan
Answer : C
Question- ______ was the first woman Chief Minister of independent India.
(a) Sucheta Kripalani
(b) Aruna Asaf Ali
(c) Indira gandhi
(d) Vijaylakshmi Pandit
Answer : A
Question.Name the Hindu fanatic, who shot and killed Mahatma Gandhiji.
(a) Narayan Apte
(b) Nathuram Godse
(c) Gopal Godse
(d) None of the Above
Answer : B
Question- _____ was the first Deputy Prime Minister of India.
(a) B R Ambedkar
(b) S C Bose
(c) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
(d) C Rajaji
Answer : C
Question. Apart from building dams, name the important sector that was focused strongly on the Second Five Year Plan
(a) Cement and fertilizer sector
(b) Heavy industries like steel
(c) Agriculture
(d) Transport
Answer : B
Question. Dharavi, the largest slum of the world, is situated in
(a) Calcutta
(b) Chennai
(c) Delhi
(d) Mumbai
Answer : D
Question. What promise did the Congress make in 1920s?
(a) Own nation to linguistic group
(b) Own assembly to Linguistic group
(c) Own province to Linguistic group
(d) None of these
Answer : C
Question- _____ was against Hindi being imposed on South India.
(a) C Rajaji
(b) Sarojini Naidu
(c) T T krishnamachari
(d) S P Mukherjee
Answer : C
Question. How many Indians formed the Constituent Assembly?
(a) One hundred
(b) Two hundred
(c) Three hundred
(d) Four hundred
Answer : C
Question. Which Industry was set up with the help of USSR?
(a) Barauni Dairy Plant
(b) Bhilai Steel plant
(c) Tata steel plant
(d) None of these
Answer : B
Question- ______ is the old name of Madhya Pradesh.
(a) United Province
(b) Madras
(c) Central Province
(d) Bombay
Answer : C
Question. What is Union List?
(a) Issue related to whole nation
(b) Issue related to state
(c) Issue related to central government
(d) None of these
Answer : A
Question. The Planning Commission designed and executed suitable policies for economic development based on a ________________ model
(a) Market economy
(b) Mixed Economy
(c) Private enterprise
(d) Public enterprise
Answer : B
Question. Pakistan was divided into two parts because of
(a) imposition of Persian on the Bengali speaking of the east
(b) imposition of Islamic language on the Bengali speaking of the east
(c) imposition of Urdu on Bengali speaking population of the east
(d) none of the above
Answer : D
Question- Gandhi Sagar Dam is built on ______ river.
(a) Mahi
(b) Chambal
(c) Ganga
(d) Saraswati
Answer : B
Question. Which one of the following words/terms refer to The Right to Vote
(a) Authorisation
(b) Permission
(c) Franchise
(d) Agreement
Answer : C
Question. Up to which date were many of the princely states retained as administrative units?
(a) Up to October 15, 1947
(b) Up to October 31, 1947
(c) Up to October 15, 1955
(d) Up to October 31, 1956
Answer : D
Question- Bhilai Steel Plant was set up with the help of _____ in 1959.
(a) Soviet Union
(b) United States of America
(c) Britain
(d) Burma
Answer : A
Question.Mukti Vahini was formed by the Bengali Population under the leadership of
(a) Mira Behn
(b) Muziburr Rehman
(c) Potti Sriramulu
(d) None of these
Answer : B
Question. A series of meetings of the Constituent Assembly were held in New Delhi after Indian’s independence with different political parties for an important discussion. What was the outcome of these series of meetings?
(a) Assassination of Mahatma Gandhi
(b) Stress importance to be given for vernacular languages
(c) Importance of Western education
(d) Framing of Indian Constitution
Answer : D
Question. Who was the first Prime Minister of independent India who hoisted the Indian flag on 15 August 1947?
(a) Jawaharlal Nehru
(b) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
(c) Mahatma Gandhi
(d) Dr Rajendra Prasad
Answer : A
CBSE Class 8 History Chapter 12 Important Questions
Very Short Answer Type Questions
1: When was the Indian Constitution adopted?
Answer: The Indian Constitution was adopted on 26 January, 1950.
2: Which step has been described as revolutionary?
Answer: All Indians above the age of 21 would be allowed to vote in state and national elections.
3: On what point did Nathuram Godse disagree with Gandhiji?
Answer: Nathuram Godse disagreed with Gandhiji’s conviction that Hindus and Muslims should live together in harmony.
4: Name two subjects of the State List.
Answer: Education and health.
5: Name two subjects of the Concurrent List.
Answer: Forests and agriculture.
6: Who was Potti Sriramulu?
Answer: He was a veteran Gandhian who went on a hunger strike demanding the formation of Andhra state to protect the interests of Telugu speakers.
7: When did the new state of Andhra Pradesh come into existence?
Answer: The new state of Andhra Pradesh came into existence on 1 October, 1953. .
8: What were the points of focus of the Second Five Year Plan?
Answer: • Development of heavy industries.
• Building of large dams.
9: How was the Bhilai Steel Plant viewed?
Answer: The Bhilai Steel Plant was viewed as an important sign of the development of modem India after Independence.
10: What was the basic objective of the foreign policy of Independent India?
Answer: The basic objective of the foreign policy of Independent India was non-alignment, i.e., the American and Soviet alliances.
11. What is meant by ‘Universal Adult Franchise’?
Answer: Universal Adult Franchise meant that everybody above the age of 18 regardless any caste, class, religion, gender and race can have a right to vote.
12. Who was appointed as Chairman of the Drafting Committee of the Constitution? Answer: Dr. B.R. Ambedkar.
Short Answer Type Questions
Ques 1. Mention the challenges faced by independent India.
- Framing a new constitution for India
- Integration of states into the Indian union.
- Planning for development of nation (5year plan).
- To develop an independent foreign policy for country.
2. After Independence why was there a reluctance to divide the country on linguistic lines?
Answer: India had been divided on the basis of religion: despite the wishes and efforts of Gandhi, freedom had come not to one nation but to two. As a result of the partition of India, more than a million people had been killed in riots between Hindu & Muslims.
3. What did Dr. Ambedkar mean when he said that “In politics we will have equality and in social and economic life we will have inequality?
Answer: Dr. Ambedkar meant that in politics everybody regardless gender, class and education will have right to vote and everybody will be equal but in social and economic life there would be great difference between high castes and low castes, rich and poor; Hindu communities and Indian who practiced different faiths. Rich people will live in multi –storied buildings and poor will live in villages.
4. What were the major objectives of new nation?
1. Lifting India and Indians out of poverty by building a modern technical and industrial base
2. In 1950, the planning commission was set up to help design suitable politics for economic development.
3. In 1956, the Second Five Year Plan was formulated.
4. This focused strongly on the development of heavy industries such as steel, and on the building of large dams.
5. These sectors would be under the control of the State.
5: What created problems in unifying the people of India after it got independence?
Answer: The points that created problems were:
(a) At the time of independence, India’s population was large. It was divided too. There were divisions between high castes and low castes, between the majority Hindu community and Indians who practised other faiths.
(b) The citizen of this country spoke different languages, wore different kinds of dresses, ate different kinds of foods and practised different professions.
6: What was the label of development of India at the time it got independence?
Answer: At the time India got independence the label of its development was very low. A vast majority of Indians lived in the villages. Farmers and peasants depended on the monsoon for their survival. So did the non-farm sector of the rural economy, for if the crops failed, barbers, carpenters, weavers and other service groups would not get paid for their services either.
In the cities too the condition was not good. Factory workers usually lived in crowded slums. They had little access to education and health care.
7: What special privileges were offered for the poorest and most disadvantaged Indians by the constitution?
Answer: First of all the practice of untouchability was abolished. Hindu temples were thrown open to all including the former untouchables.
- A certain percentage of seats in legislatures as well as jobs in government were reserved for members of the lowest castes.
- Alongwith the former untouchables, the adivasis also known as the Scheduled Tribes were also granted reservation in seats and jobs. They too had been deprived and discriminated against like the Scheduled Castes.
8: How have powers and functions of the Central and State Governments been divided by the Constitution?
Answer: The Indian Constitution gives the division of power in the form of three lists, known as Union List, State List and Concurrent List. The Union List includes subjects such as taxes, defence and foreign affairs. On these subjects the central government makes the laws. The State List includes subjects such as education and health. It is the exclusive responsibility of the state government to take care of these subjects. In the last comes the Concurrent List which contains subjects such as forests and agriculture. On these subjects the Centre and the States have joint responsibility.
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