The Great Stone Face-II MCQ Questions Class 8 English with Answers
Question. When the poet went to meet Ernest, what was he doing?
(a) Taking tea
(b) Praying to God
(c) Writing something
(d) Reading a book
Answer : D
Question. When he was reading, he lifted his eyes to :
(a) the hills
(b) to the Great Stone Face
(c) the mountain
(d) the sky
Answer : C
Question. The fame had come to Ernest
(a) unsought for and undesired
(b) with his hard work
(c) because of his resemblance with the Great Stone Face
(d) because of his wealth
Answer : A
Question. How did Ernest treat his visitors?
(a) Rudely
(b) Greedily
(c) Gently
(d) None of these
Answer : C
Question. What did the people accept as true about Ernest?
(a) That he looked like Great Stone Face
(b) That he was very rich
(c) That he loved people
(d) None of these
Answer : A
Question. Was the poet true about Ernest being the prophecy?
(a) Yes
(b) No
(c) May be
(d) None of these
Answer : A
Question. Did the Great Stone Face agree with the writer of the book being the man in the prophecy?
(a) Yes
(b) No
(c) Maybe
(d) Maybe not
Answer : B
Question. Who never saw the Great Stone Face look so hospitably at a stranger?
(a) People of the village
(b) Poet
(c) Ernest
(d) All of the Above
Answer : C
Question. Ernest examined the poet’s features again and again because
(a) he was so charmed by his looks
(b) he felt he had met him somewhere
(c) he felt he had a disease
(d) he was comparing him with the Great Stone Face
Answer : D
Question. Ernest had become famous for his
(a) health
(b) wisdom
(c) wealth
(d) love.
Answer : B
Question. When Ernest’s work of the day was over he
(a) prayed to God for a long time
(b) read a lot
(c) helped the villagers
(d) would stand for hours before the Great Stone Face
Answer : D
Question. ‘The years hurried on, and brought —- hairs upon the head Ernest, and ——–‘
(a) Black
(b) White
(c) Brown
(d) Red
Answer : B
Question. He began to speak to the people what was in his —- and —-‘
(a) Mouth
(b) Heart
(c) Mind
(d) Both (b) & (c)
Answer : D
Question. Whom were the reasons the poet denied to be the face of the Great Stone Face?
(a) His friend
(b) Neighbour
(c) Poet
(d) He, himself
Answer : C
Question. Who arrived at Ernest’s door one summer?
(a) Great Stone Face
(b) Poet
(c) Villagers
(d) All of them
Answer : B
Question. Who said, “I am not worthy to be its likeness”?
(a) Poet
(b) Ernest
(c) No one
(d) None of the Above
Answer : A
Question. Name the lesson.
(a) A Visit to Cambridge
(b) The Great Stone Face-II
(c) This is Jody’s Fawn
(d) A Short Monsoon Diary
Answer : B
Question. “Ernest threw a look of familiar __________ around upon his audience.”
(a) Rudeness
(b) Disgust
(c) Disappointment
(d) Kindness
Answer : D
Question. Who/what did the golden light of the sun fall upon?
(a) The Great Stone Face
(b) Ernest
(c) Poet
(d) Audience
Answer : A
Question. “I think i never saw the Great Stone Face look so hospitably at a stranger” – Whom did the poet identify this line?
(a) The villagers
(b) Poet himself
(c) Ernest
(d) None of these
Answer : C
Question. Choose the meaning of ‘obscure’ from the following options.
(a) Not well known
(b) Hidden
(c) Dead
(d) Lost
Answer : B
Question. ‘As he read he lifted his eyes to the ——‘
(a) Mountain
(b) Sky
(c) Stars
(d) Moon
Answer : A
Question. Why did the people want to talk to them?
(a) He was rich
(b) He helped the poor
(c) He attended all
(d) He received all with gentle sincerity
Answer : D
Question. Did Ernest agree with everyone when they found the man with likeness of the Great Stone Face?
(a) Yes
(b) No
(c) Maybe
(d) None of the above
Answer : B
Question. What was Ernest to the various people who came to meet Ernest?
(a) Teacher
(b) Doctor
(c) Counsellor
(d) Tourist Guide
Answer : C
Question. Whom were the reasons the poet denied to be the face of the Great Stone Face?
(a) His friend
(b) Neighbour
(c) Poet
(d) He, himself
Answer : C
Question. What does the poet compare Ernest’s life with?
(a) The Great Stone Face
(b) Poetry
(c) Himself
(d) Ernest’s mother
Answer : B
Question. Ernest examined the poet’s features again and again because
(a) he was so charmed by his looks
(b) he felt he had met him somewhere
(c) he felt he had a disease
(d) he was comparing him with the Great Stone Face
Answer : D
Question. Which word in the passage means ‘looked into’.
(a) beside
(b) gazed
(c) flung
(d) gifted
Answer : B
Question. ‘As he read he lifted his eyes to the ——‘
(a) Mountain
(b) Sky
(c) Stars
(d) Moon
Answer : A
Important Questions for Class 8 English Honeydew Chapter 10
1. What made Ernest well known?
Answer: Ernest became well known because of his wise thoughts and his conversation with people.
2. What did Ernest imagine while listening to the poet?
Answer: While listening to the poet, Ernest imagined that the Great Stone Face was bending forward to listen.
3. What did Ernest feel after reading the poems?
Answer: After reading the poems, Ernest felt the fulfillment of prophecy in the poet.
4. Why did Ernest’s words have power?
Answer: Ernest’s words had power because they agreed with his thoughts of reality and depth.
5. What message did Ernest’s words utter?
Answer: Ernest’s words uttered the message of a life of good deeds and selfless love.
6. What changes come to be seen in Ernest with passing of time?
Answer: Ernest was now a man of middle age. His hairs turned white and there were wrinkles across his forehead and furrows in his cheeks. He had become wiser with profound thoughts. The valley people respected him and took his advice on several occasions.
7. Why did Ernest become sad after he examined the poet’s features?
Answer: The poet had celebrated the Great Stone Face in one of his poems. When Ernest read that poem he became convinced that the poet had the likeness of the Great Stone Face. But when he met the poet, all his hopes shattered. He found no resemblance between the poet and the Stone Face. This was the reason why he became sad.
8. Why did the poet’s eyes fill with tears?
Answer: The poet became sentimental to listen to Ernest. His words had power because they had depth. They were the words of life, a life of good deeds and selfless love. The poet felt that the life and character of Ernest were nobler strain of poetry that he had ever written. His eyes filled with tears and he said to himself that never was there so worthy a sage as that thoughtful face, with the glim of white hair diffused about it.
9. Give a character-sketch of Ernest.
Answer: Ernest was a small boy when he became interested in the Great Stone Face. He felt that the face smiled on him. He wished to love the man with such a face. He was dutiful and helpful to his Mother. He grew up to be a gentle and quiet youth. He regarded the Stone Face as his teacher. He turned to the face for advice. He was not influnced by the common belief that Gathergold or Blood- and-Thunder General had any resemblance with the Stone Face. Even the poet’s face made him sad. And he was right when the poet himself admitted that he wasn’t worthy to be the likeness of the face. Finally, the same poet shouted with joy that Ernest himself was the likeness of the Stone Face. But Ernest remained humble to the last. He kept hoping that some wiser and better man than himself would appear.
10. How did Ernest feel when people hailed him as the likeness of the Stone face?
Answer: Ernest was truly noble and humble. His deeds matched with his thoughts. He received the poet warmly. For a while he thought the writer of those poems was truly the greatest and wisest person. The poet and the people ultimately hailed him as the man with the likeness of the Stone Face. But Ernest did not agree with them. He kept hoping that a wiser and better man than himself would appear to make the prophecy true.
11. Describe in brief Ernest’s reaction on three occasions when Gathergold, General Blood-and-Thunder and the poet came to the valley.
Answer: The inhabitants of the valley believed the story that one day a man bearing resemblance to the Stone Face would come there. The first one to arrive was a rich merchant Gathergold. The people were greatly excited. But Ernest noticed no resemblance between Gathergold’s face and that of the Stone Face. Likewise he did not agree with the people who welcomed General Blood-and-Thunder as the greatest man. But Ernest almost believed that the poet was the person he had been waiting for. But again he was disappointed. In fact, Ernest himself was accepted as the Prophet.
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