In This Post we are providing Chapter-4 REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH NCERT MOST IMPORTANT QUESTIONS for Class 12 BIOLOGY which will be beneficial for students. These solutions are updated according to 2021-22 syllabus. These MCQS can be really helpful in the preparation of Board exams and will provide you with a brief knowledge of the chapter.
Question 1.
Define population. What are the aims of the population study?
The population is defined as the total number of individuals of a species present in a particular area. The members of a population have some common characteristics, share a common gene pool, and are capable of interbreeding among themselves to produce fertile offsprings. Aims of Population Study. An alarming rise in the human population has created many serious problems. Therefore, population education has been introduced into the school and college curricula.
Population education is aimed at making the students aware of the:
- consequences of uncontrolled population growth such as environmental pollution, depletion of natural resources, extinction of species, etc ;
- benefits of lowering population growth rate to the biosphere ;
- advantages of a small family to humans ;
- growth, distribution, and density of population ;
- relation of population to the standards of life.
Question 2.
Define birth rate, death rate, and fertility rate.
1. Birth or natality rate: It is generally expressed as the number of births per 1,000 individuals of a population per year. It increases the population size (total number of individuals of a population) and population density.
The national average birth rate in India is about 28.6 per 1,000 per year. Among Indian states, Kerala has the lowest birth rate of 18 per 1,000, while U.P. has the highest of 34.8 per 1,000.
2. Death or mortality rate: It is the opposite of the natality rate. It is commonly expressed as the number of deaths per 1,000 individuals of a population per year.

3. Fertility rate: It is the number of live births per unit time per unit number of fertile females. Fertility Rate

Question 3.
What is family planning? List the ways of family planning:
Family planning: The main objective of family planning or family welfare program is to prevent the fertilization of the ovum by the male sperm and stop the increase in population growth by various methods, such as contraceptives, intrauterine devices, vasectomy, and tubectomy. The contraceptives (Anirudh) for males and intra-uterine devices, loop for females are used to avoid pregnancy.
Vasectomy is the method of sterilizing males by surgical operation of sperm duct or vas deferens. Tubectomy is the method of sterilizing females by the surgical operation of fallopian tubes. Whatever the method employed, it must take care of the health of the persons concerned.
Because of the family planning methods, the birth rate in India is reduced to some extent. The government gives incentives to those who adopt family planning.
Ways of family planning:
- Late marriage for young persons.
- Increase in the sources of recreation so as to divert the attention from sex.
- The couple should not mate between 8-18th days from the start of the menstrual cycle.
- Use of contraceptives.
- Sterilization.
- Use of drugs.
- Abortion.
- Restrict the family to two children.
Question 4.
Suggest the various measures of population control:
Population control: Population explosion can be checked by two methods-population education and birth control.
A. Population education: The knowledge about the relationship of population size and the availability of resources for the welfare of the society is called population education.
- The students should be convinced about the relationship between overpopulation and unemployment.
- The citizens should be told how the large size of the population is eating away the resources of the state and the reasons for the limited availability of healthcare, education facilities, and other welfare schemes.
- People should be made aware of how a large number of children eat away the meager resources of the family with nothing left for bad days, how large families rely on indebtedness to meet emergencies, how child bread earners do not improve the conditions of the family, how uneducated children remain a burden on the society, etc. They should be convinced that a small family can live comfortably even with meager resources.
B. Birth control:
- Mass media of communication. Radio, television, newspapers, magazines, hoardings, and posters should be employed to spread the message of family planning and birth control and its advantages. The future of mankind depends on the stabilization of the human population at a level that ensures basic necessities of life, employment, and happiness,
- The law about marriageable age should be widely published and strictly enforced (21 years for boys and 18 years for girls). In developed countries, women marry at the age of 25-35 years.
- As far as possible, stress should be laid on raising the social status of women. Women having higher social status prefer smaller families. Such women generally marry late.
- Remove the superstitions and wrong beliefs in the society about a higher number of children being God’s gift connected with earthly or heavenly prosperity.
Question 5.
What is amniocentesis? Write its procedure and significance:
Amniocentesis is a fetal sex determination test based upon the chromosomal pattern in the amniotic fluid surrounding the developing embryo. It should be legally banned throughout the country as such a ban shall check increasing female foeticide cases and maintain a normal sex ratio in the country.
- The fetus bathes in the amniotic fluid that fills the amniotic cavity. At an early stage of pregnancy (14th or 15th week), the location of the fetus and placenta is determined by sonography (use of high-frequency sound waves).
- Then a small amount of amniotic fluid is drawn by passing a special surgical syringe needle through the abdominal wall and uterine wall into the amniotic sac containing the amniotic fluid.
- Celts that have sloughed from the fetus’s skin or respiratory tract into the fluid are thus sucked into the syringe.
- These cells can be examined for chromosomal abnormalities, such as Down’s syndrome, Klinefelter’s syndrome, Turner’s syndrome, etc resulting from non-disjunction during cell division.
- The cells can also be cultured and in about a fortnight enough cells become available for test. The cells and fluid are also tested for metabolic disorders such as phenylketonuria, sickle-cell anemia, etc.
Question 6.
Write a note on test-tube babies:
Test-Tube Babies: In some women normal conception is not possible because of blocked oviducts or spermicidal secretions in the vagina or the low sperm count of the husband. In such cases, her ovum is removed, fertilized by her husband’s sperm in a laboratory dish, checked that development has begun, and a morula (up to 32 cell stage) replaced or implanted in her uterus.
The entire operation is carried out under sterilized conditions. With proper medical care, she will give birth to a normal child on the completion of gestation. The baby produced in this manner (conceived out of and nursed in the uterus) is called a test-tube baby. The baby is not reared in the test tube. A scientific term for this procedure is in vitro (“in glass”) fertilization
The success rate of the technique is less than 20%. To increase the chances of success, the prospective mother is given fertility drugs which cause many ovarian follicles to mature at the same time. This releases many eggs simultaneously, thereby increasing the chances of success.
Question 7.
Reproductive and Child Healthcare (RCH) programs are currently in operation. One of the major tasks of these programs is to create awareness amongst people about the wide range of reproduction-related aspects. This is important and essential for building a reproductive health society.
1. “Providing sex education in schools is one of the ways to meet this goal.” Give four points in support of your opinion regarding this statement.
Sex education is important in schools:
(a) to provide the right information about myths and misconceptions.
(b) to create awareness about reproduction.
(c) to provide knowledge about the growth of reproductive organs and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)
(d) to guide the students about social evils such as sex abuse, sex-related crimes, etc.
(ii) List any two indicators that indicate a reproductively healthy society.
Indicators about a reproductively healthy society.
(a) Low infant mortality rate (IMR)
(b) Low maternal mortality rate (MMR)
- Increased number of couples with small families.
- Better detection and cure of STDs.
Question 8.
Give a brief account of Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART).
Where corrective treatments are not available, there are special techniques called Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART) to help the couple produce children; they are as follows:
1. Test-Tube baby programs:
(a) In this method, ovum from the wife or a donor female and the sperms from the husband or a donor is allowed to fuse under simulated conditions (as that of the body) in the laboratory; it is called in vitro fertilization (IVF).
2. The zygote or early embryo is transferred into the uterus or fallopian tube for further development; this process is called Embryo Transfer (ET) and can be done in the following ways:
(a) The zygote or embryo up to eight blastomeres is transferred into the fallopian tube; it is called Zygote Intra Fallopian Transfer (ZIFT).
(b) Embryos with more than eight blastomeres are transferred into the uterus. It is called Intrauterine Transfer (IUT).
3. Gamete Intra Fallopian Transfer (GIFT): This method involves the transfer of an ovum collected from a donor female into another female, who cannot produce ova, but can provide suitable conditions for fertilization and further development of the fetus up to parturition.
4. Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI): In this method, the sperm is directly injected into the ovum to form an embryo in the laboratory, and then embryo transfer is carried out.
5. Artificial insemination:
(a) In this method, the semen collected from the husband or a healthy donor is artificially introduced into the vagina or into the uterus (intrauterine insemination).
(b) This method is used in cases where infertility is due to the inability of the male partner to inseminate the female or due to very low sperm counts in the ejaculates.
Question 9.
It is commonly observed that parents feel embarrassed to discuss freely with their adolescent children about sexuality and reproduction. The result of this parental inhibition is that the children go astray sometimes.
(i) Explain the reasons that you feel are behind such embarrassment amongst some parents to freely discuss such issues with their growing children.
Parents feel embarrassed because of the following reasons:
(a) Indian society is not that broad-minded. So parents feel shy talking openly about these matters to their children.
(b) Improper communication and age gap are the reasons behind such embarrassment.
(ii) By taking one example of a local plant and animal, how would you help these parents to overcome such inhibitions about reproduction and sexuality?
Parents can take the example of China rose to explain the process of sexual reproduction. They can also take an example of the male honeybee and orchid Ophrys flower.
It is evident that sexual attraction is a natural phenomenon. The honeybee is attracted to an Ophrys flower and assumes its one petal as its female partner and pseudo copulate with it. So it is a natural phenomenon and parents should talk regarding this matter to their children.
Question 10.
(a) Explain one application of each one of the following:
(A) Amniocentesis:
- Detection of a genetic disorder
- Detection of chromosomal disorder
- Sex determination
- Karyotyping (used for detecting chromosomal aberrations)
(B) Lactational amenorrhea:
It is a kind of natural contraception to prevent pregnancy. When the women breastfeed regularly her menstrual cycle stops for some period and thus can’t have a baby.
Application of ZIFT (Zygote Intrafallopian Transfer)- In vitro fertilization, the zygote or early embryos at eight blastomeres stage are transferred to the fallopian tale to complete its further development inside the body of the mother. Hence this method is very helpful for infertile couples.
(b) Prepare a poster for the school program depicting the objectives of the “Reproductive and Child Health Care Programme”.
Reproductive and Child Health Care:
Objectives of RCH:
- Creating awareness about various reproduction-related problems.
- Providing facilities and support for building up a reproductively healthy society.
- Providing audio-visual and print, media support, to various government and non-government organizations.
- Educating the people and providing the right information to save them from myths and misconceptions.
- Providing proper education regarding reproductive organs, adolescence and related changes, safe and hygienic sexual practices.
- Providing information regarding the danger of sexually transmitted diseases, AIDS, etc.
- Awareness regarding that gender selection and detection is punishable.
Example – Hum do hamare do, Beti bachao beti padhao, Do boond zindasi ke etc.
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