In This Post we are providing CHAPTER 4 CULTURE AND SOCIALISATION NCERT MOST IMPORTANT QUESTION for Class 11 SOCIOLOGY which will be beneficial for students. These solutions are updated according to 2021-22 syllabus. These can be really helpful in the preparation of Board exams and will provide you with a brief knowledge of the chapter.
Question 1.
Discuss the sources of culture.
Sources of culture:
Internal (Endogenous cause)
- Inner pressure, stress and conflicts
- Conflict between ideals and realities
- Change in individual
- Planning
External (Exogenous cause)
- Urbanisation
- Industrialisation
- Migration
- Attack
- War
- Domination
- Trade
- Means of communication
- Movements of their societies.
Physical Environment
- Drought
- Woods
- earthquake
- Deforestation
- Pollution
- Destruction of wildlife
- Ecological changes.
Question 2.
Discuss dimensions of culture.
Cognitive-Ideas and beliefs
Normative-Norms (Value, norms, sanctions).
Customs or normative something is right or wrong-not an idea of something. Cognitive, myths, superstition, belief, customs, stories (mostly not true)
- Ideas etc. which refer to the thinking of the people, our understanding, how we absorb all information we get from the society. ‘
- Little tradition: It is transmitted orally from generation to generation in the form of songs/plays, stories (folklores) etc. It moves in illiterate and rural societies.
- Great tradition: It is transmitted from generation to generation through written work. Usually in literate societies ideas are recorded, written down and are available to us in the form of books etc.
- It is the cognitive dimension of culture which helps us to comprehend and relate to the societies.
- Little and great tradition can be converted into each other.
- Universalisation—converting great to little tradition.
It deals with controlling people’s behaviour by rules, norms, customs, values. It is basically different ways of controlling deviant behaviour.
To make society disciplined, to behave in a particular way etc.
Question 3.
How laws are different from norms?
Laws may be formal and written exercised by institutions e.g.; Parliament, police.
Laws are explicit-very clear on paper and are the same for everybody in that society. They also provide severe, specific, unchangeable punishment. Rewards in forms of citations, medal, honor, cash prize, Bharat Ratna. Formal laws are the same everywhere and depend upon societal requirement.
Norms: Norms are informal and unwritten. They are exercised by the primary group which includes family and friends.
Laws are:
- Implicit: Ambiguity can be there, depends upon the people and situations.
- Punishment given in indifferent contexts.
- Informal reward like pat on back etc. hug etc.
- Differs from person to person, place to place, based on values/cultures of society.
Question 4.
What do you mean by cultural lag? Discuss its main features.
Cultural lag: When the material culture is moving ahead and fast with times, but the non-material culture is not able to keep up with the fast pace of material culture propounded the theory a cultural lag.
- Let us consider the basic need of hunger. We know that it has a biological basis, which is common among animals and human beings, but the way this need is gratified by human beings is extremely complex. For example, some people eat vegetarian food, while others eat non-vegetarian food.
- Sexual behaviour can be taken as another example. We know that this behaviour involves hormones and reflexive reactions in animals and human beings alike.
- While among animals sexual behaviour is fairly simple and reflexive (all animals indulge in sexual behaviour almost in the same manner).
- It is so complex among human beings that it can hardly be described as reflexive.
- Partner preferences are a key feature of human sexual behaviour. The bases of these preferences widely differ within and across societies.
- Human sexual behaviour is also governed by many rules, standards, values, and laws.
- These examples illustrate that biological factors alone cannot help us very much in understanding human behaviour.
- Human nature has evolved through an interplay of biological and cultural forces. These forces have made us similar in many ways and different in others.
Question 5.
Explain the concept of culture.
Concept of culture
Human behaviour is fundamentally social. It involves relationships with other people, reactions to their behaviour, and engagement with innumerable products made available to us by our predecessors. Although many other species are also social like us, human beings are cultural as well.
In the simplest terms, culture refers to “the man-made part of the environment”. It comprises diverse products of the behaviour of many people, including ourselves. These products can be material objects (e.g., tools, sculptures), ideas (e.g., family, school). We find them almost everywhere. They influence behaviour, although we may not always be aware of it.
Let us look at some examples. The room you might be in now is a cultural product. It is the result of someone’s architectural ideas and building skills. Your room may be rectangular, but there are many places where rooms are not rectangular (e.g., those of Eskimos).
You might be sitting on a chair that some people designed and built some time ago. Since sitting in a chair requires a particular posture, this invention is shaping your behaviour. There are societies without chairs. Just try to think how people in those societies would be sitting in order to do some reading.
Much of our life as human beings involves interacting with various cultural products and behaving in accordance with them. This means that culture shapes our behaviour in a significant manner.
Question 6.
How culture and society are related to each other?
The terms ‘culture’ and ‘society’ are often considered to carry similar meaning. Let us note at this point that they are not the same thing. A society is a group of people who occupy a particular territory and speak a common language not generally understood by neighbouring people. A society may or may not be single nation, but every society has its own culture. It is culture that shapes human behaviour from society to society. Culture is the label for all the different features that vary from society to society. It is these different features of society whose influences psychologists want to examine in their studies of human behaviour. Thus, a group of people, who manage their livelihood through hunting and gathering in forests, would present a life characterised by certain features that will not be found in a society that lives mainly on agricultural produce or wage earnings.
Question 7.
Discuss various socialisation agents of society.
Socialisation agents of society:
- A number of people who relate to us possess power to socialise us. Such people . are called “socialisation agents”.
- Parents and family members are the most significant socialisation agents.
- Legal responsibility of child care, too, lies with parents. Their task is to nurture children in such a manner that their natural potentials are maximized and negative behaviour tendencies are minimized or controlled.
- Parents have most direct and significant impact on children’s development. Children respond in different ways to parents in different situations.
- Parents encourage certain behaviours by rewarding them verbally (e.g., praising) or in other tangible ways (e.g., buying chocolates or objects of child’s desire). They also discourage certain behaviours through non-approving behaviours.
- They also arrange to put children in a variety of positive experiences, learning opportunities, and challenges. While interacting with children parents adopt different strategies, which are generally known as parenting styles.
- A distinction is made between authoritative, authoritarian and democratic or permissive parenting styles.
- Studies indicate that parents vary enormously in the treatment of children in terms of their degree of acceptance and degree of control.
- The conditions of life in which parents live (poverty, illness, job stress, nature of family) also influence the styles they adopt in socialising children.
- School is another important socialising agent. Since children spend a long time in schools, which provide them with a fairly organised set up for interaction with teachers and peers.
- Nowadays school is being viewed as a more important agent of child socialisation than parents and family. Children learn not only cognitive skills (e.g., reading, writing, doing mathematics) but also many social skills (e.g., ways of behaving with elders and age mates, accepting roles, fulfilling responsibilities).
- They also learn and internalise the norms and rules of society.
- Several other positive qualities, such as self-initiative, self-control, responsibility and creativity are encouraged in schools.
Peer Groups
- Friendship acquires great significance in this respect.
- It provides children not only with a good opportunity to be in company of others, but also for organising various activities (e.g., play) collectively with the members of their own age.
- Question ualities like sharing, trust, mutual understanding, role acceptance and fulfilment develop in interaction with peers.
- Children also learn to assert their own point of view and accept and adapt to those of others.
- Development of self-identity is greatly facilitated by the peer group. Since communication of children with peer groups is direct, process of socialisation is generally smooth.
Media influences
- In recent years media has also become the medium of socialisation.
- Through television, newspapers, books and cinema the external world has made/ is making its way into our home and our lives.
- While children learn about many things from these sources, adolescents and young adults often derive their models from them, particularly from television and cinema.
- There is a need to use this agent of socialisation in a better way in order to prevent children from developing undesirable behaviours.
Question 8.
What is acculturation?
Culture is determined by dynamic and evolving process. It is not static. Cultural changes occur due to acculturation and defusion.
- Acculturation refers to cultural and psychological changes resulting from contact with other cultures.
- Contact may be direct (e.g., when one moves and settles in a new culture) or indirect (e.g., through media or other means).
- It may be voluntary (e.g., when one goes abroad for higher studies, training, job, or trade) or involuntary (e.g., through colonial experience, invasion, political refuge).
- In both cases, people often need to learn (and also they do learn) something new to negotiate life with people of other cultural groups. For example, during the British rule in India many individuals and groups adopted several aspects of British lifestyle.
- Acculturation can take place any time in one’s life. Whenever it occurs, it requires re-leaming of norms, values, dispositions, and patterns of behaviour.
- For any acculturation to take place contact with another cultural group is essential. This often generates some sort of conflict. Since people cannot live in a state of conflict for a long time, they often resort to certain strategies to resolve their conflicts.
- Studies carried out with immigrants to western countries and native or tribal people in different parts of the world have revealed that people have various options to deal with the problem of acculturative changes. Thus, the course of acculturative change is multidirectional.
- Changes due to acculturation may be examined at subjective and objective levels. At the subjective level, changes are often reflected in people’s attitudes towards change. They are referred to as acculturation attitudes. At the objective level, changes are reflected in people’s day-to-day behaviours and activities. These are referred to as acculturation strategies.
Question 9.
Discuss differences between social change and cultural change.
Malinowike, Gillin and Gillin and others gave their same opinions regarding social and cultural changes.
However Prof. Dawis has pointed out some difference between the two. According to him, change in social structure only represents social change.
Some important differences between social and cultural changes are:
Social Change:
- Change in social relations
- Change in social structure and relationship is a must.
- Scope of social change is limited.
- Social change effects culture.
- Society has its roots in the present, hence change in it has relative implications.
Cultural Change
- Changes in religion and art, language or literature which in turn effect social relationships.
- Cultural change is primarily responsible for new discoveries, inventions and change in cultural activities.
- Scope of cultural change is large.
- Cultural change effects social change.
- As culture has got its roots in their past, hence change in it has relatively less implications.
If society is a tributary while culture is the main river, cultural changes are more relevant. Still both the changes cannot be taken independently from each other as they effect mutually.
Question 10.
How material culture is different from non-material culture?
Material Culture: Anything paid for stuff or money related is example of material culture. Material culture is tangible, concrete, physical, quantified and can be replaced. Non-material Culture: Values, respect, honesty, consideration, gratitude etc. are non-material culture.
Values are basically morals.
Values are those which are concerned with the morals of human beings. They are either right or wrong. They guide us as to how we are supposed to behave in society.
They define, what is proper and improper for an individual in order to reach his/her goal as per societal norms.
Non-material culture is standard of social life. Certain values which everyone has to follow in social life are: honesty, respect, integrity, responsibility.
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