NCERT Most Important Question & Solutions For Class-10 Ch 8 Map Reading and Depiction ( Geography)| Extra Question
The start of class 10 marks the beginning of the foundation for class 11 and class 12. It is very important study the basics in order to understand each and every chapter properly. In this page, we have provided all the important question for cbse class 10 that could be asked in the examination. Students also need to study the ncert solutions for class 10 in order to gain more knowledge and understanding the lessons. Questions and Answers are way to learn the new things in a proper way. NCERT textbooks downloads for class 10 in pdf are also available for the students if they need more help. By downloading these books, they can study from it. Our experts also prepared revision notes for class 10 so that students should see the details of each and every chapters. Class 10 important questions are the best to revise all the chapters in the best way.
1.What is Naut?
Naut is the unit of measurement the speed of wind. 1 Naut = 1.85 km/hour.
2.How many centres of seismology are there in India?
22 (Twenty-two).
3.What do you mean by weather signs?
The signs or indications that indicate the condition of weather are called weather signs. With the help of figures or symbols in the map the weather of specific time or area is indicated.
4.How is weather information collected for preparing weather map?
Weather maps can be studied on the basis of following features:
- The weather features are indicated on the map through standard signs.
- For preparing weather maps information is obtained through observatories, pilots of aeroplanes, balloon, ships.
- Following information is collected in the observatories regarding the weather conditions:
- Temperature, rains, speed of winds the directions of wind, humidity, duration of sun light, conditions of the sea, previous and present weather condition etc.
5.How are weather conditions defected in weather map?
The weather conditions defected in whether map through indicators accepted at the international level. These maps show the weather conditions of any area on earth, e.g., temperature, air pressure, rains, speed and direction of winds, condition of clouds, etc.
6.Describe the importance of weather maps. Where we can use the information of weather forecast which in shown in weather map?
Need and importance of the study of weather map:
With the help of weather maps it is possible to know in advance the weather conditions, these forecasts are published in news – papers and broadcasted through ’Akashvani’.
Through these forecasts efforts are made to provide safety and security to the people in times of natural calamities like excessive rains, (and consequently floods etc.) inadequate rains (and draught conditions as a consequence), earthquake, hailstorm, cyclones, snow fall, etc.
The forecasts made on the basis of weather map help in talking suitable safety measures at the time of navigation safe aeroplanes, flights, and drought conditions and their ill effects and properly carrying out the agricultural operations.
7.Where are the weather forecasts most useful which are obtained from weather map?
Weather forecast are most useful to the certain places at the time of nature calamities, inadequate rain, earthquake and cyclone etc.
8.What do you mean by wedge? Also, define crest line?
Wedge is a triangular high pressure area. The isobars are V – shaped with rounded peak. The peak indicates towards the low pressure area. In the center of the edge, the air pressure is the highest and it goes on diminishing towards the peak and edge. The line joining the highest pressure point and the peak point it called crest line.
9.What do you mean by international climatic indicators?
The facts and information received from observatories are indicated in the map with the help of figures, signs and symbols which are accepted internationally. These are called international climate indicators. These were given recognition in the International Meteorological meet (conference) held in Warsa (Italy) in the year 1935.
10.What are the need and importance of the study of, weather map?
Need and importance of the study of weather map:
1. With the help of weather maps it is possible to know in advance the weather conditions, these forecasts are published in news papers and broadcasted though ‘Akashvani’. Through these forecasts efforts are made to provide safety and security to the people in times of natural calamities like excessive rains, (and consequently floods etc.), inadequate rains (and draught conditions as a consequence) earthquake, hailstorm, cyclones, snow fall etc.
2. The forecasts made on the basis of weather map help in taking suitable safety measures at the time of navigation safe aeroplanes, flights, and drought conditions and their ill effects and properly carrying gout the agricultural operations.
11.Explain the variation of air pressure with the help of Indian map and draw the conclusion related to the trends?
Variation in air pressure:
In the weather map the air pressure is shown with the help of millibar. This is normally indicated by the difference between two millibars. The higher number shows high air pressure and the lower number shows low air pressure.
Sometimes low pressure is indicated by writing L and high pressure by H. This is read like contour lines. The air always blows towards low pressure area from the high pressure area.
1. Normal distribution of air pressure:
High and low pressure zone.
2. Speed of cyclones:
With the help of the air pressure map, we can explain the conditions of air pressure in the atmosphere. From the map given we see that the air pressure was 2 millibar less than the normal. Only in two zones the pressure was normal. The mountain region of North, Bihar, Andaman and Nicobar and Eastern Myanmar the air pressure was normal.
12.Explain with the help of diagram the main sign of clouds?
The shadow in circle is indicated to cloud. In the Indian maps clouds with only low and medium height are shown.The level of clouds is shown by different types of circles. In India only low and medium hight clouds are shown. The percentage of cloud is indicated on the 8th part of the circle.
1.Identify the following wind measuring signs name them and write their speed?
(i) Calm; speed 0 to 1 mile
(ii) Stead
2.Identify the cloud condition and described their intensity and level?
(i) Low level; 1/8
(ii) High level; 1/8
(iii) Low level; 3/8
(iv) Low level; 2/8 or 1/4
(v) Low level; 7/8
(vi) Low level; full (8/8)
(vii) High level; 4/8 or 1/2
(viii) High level; 5/8
(ix) High level; Sunlight
3.Describe the atmosphere conditions on the basis of following isobar?

13.Explain following points in the given weather map Cyclone and Anti – cyclone, Wedge?

14.Identify the cloud condition and described their intensity and level?

(i) Low level; 1/8
(ii) High level; 1/8
(iii) Low level; 3/8
(iv) Low level; 2/8 or 1/4
(v) Low level; 7/8
(vi) Low level; full (8/8)
(vii) High level; 4/8 or 1/2
(viii) High level; 5/8
(ix) High level; Sunlight
15.Identify the following wind measuring signs name them and write their speed?

(i) Calm; speed 0 to 1 miles
(ii) Steady breeze; speed 8 to 12 miles
(iii) Fresh breeze; speed 19 to 24
(iv) Gale; speed 39 to 46 miles
(v) Storm; speed 64 to 75 miles.
NCERT Solution of Ch 8 Map Reading and Depiction ( Geography)
NCERT MCQs of Ch 8 Map Reading and Depiction ( Geography)
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