NCERT Most Important Question For Class-9 Chapter-1 What is Democracy? Why Democracy? (Political Science)
The start of class 9 marks the beginning of the foundation for class 11 and class 12. It is very important study the basics in order to understand each and every chapter properly. In this page, we have provided all the important question for cbse class 9 that could be asked in the examination. Students also need to study the ncert solutions for class 9 in order to gain more knowledge and understanding the lessons. Questions and Answers are way to learn the new things in a proper way. NCERT textbooks downloads for class 9 in pdf are also available for the students if they need more help. By downloading these books, they can study from it. Our experts also prepared revision notes for class 9 so that students should see the details of each and every chapters. Class 9 important questions are the best to revise all the chapters in the best way.
1.How did General Pervez Musharraf become the President of Pakistan?
Ans: Following are the way by which election are conducted in China and mexico:
A) China:-
1)In China, elections are regularly held after every five years for electing the country’s parliament, called Quanguo Renmin Daibiao Dahui (National People’s Congress).
2)The National People’s Congress has the power to appoint the President of the country.
3) It has nearly 3,000 members elected from all over China.
4) Some members are elected by the army.
5) Before contesting elections, a candidate needs the approval of the Chinese Communist Party.
6) Only those who are members of the Chinese Communist Party or eight smaller parties allied to it were allowed to contest elections held in 2002-03.
7) The government is always formed by the Communist Party.
B) Mexico:-
1)Since its independence in 1930, Mexico holds elections after every six years to elect its President.
2) Until 2000 every election was won by a party called PRI (Institutional Revolutionary Party).
3) Opposition parties did contest elections, but never managed to win.
4) The PRI was known to use many dirty tricks to win elections.
5)All those who were employed in government offices had to attend its party meetings.
6) Teachers of government schools used to force parents to vote for the PRI.
7) Media largely ignored the activities of opposition political parties except to criticise them.
8) Sometimes the polling booths were shifted from one place to another in the last minute, which made it difficult for people to cast their votes.
Thus, it is seen that though China and Mexico do conduct election to choose government, the mean and policy to conduct elections are completely undemocratic.
Democratic Government:
1) Democratic government is better than any other form of government in responding to the needs of the people.
2) A democratic government is a better government because it is a more accountable form of government.
3) Democratic government uses consultation and discussion to arrive on decisions. Thus improving the quality of decision-making.
4)Democratic government provides a methods to deal with differences and conflicts and treat all citizen with equality
.Non-Democratic Government:
1)A non-democratic government may and can respond to the people’s needs, but it all depends on the wishes of the people who rule.
2) In non-democratic government, rights of people are usually ignored and the decisions by rulers are always final.
3) In non-democratic government, all the citizens does not enjoy equal rights. Their rights can be suspended by the rulers even without reason.
4) A non-democratic governme hardly seeks any opinion from citizens in any decision making process.
Ans: Following are the features of democracy:
1) Democracy provides a method to deal with differences and conflicts.
2) Democracy enhances the dignity of citizens.
3) Democracy improves the quality of decision-making.
4) Democracy is a form of government in which the rulers are elected by the people.
5) In a democracy the final decision-making power must rest with those elected by the people.
6) Democracy must be based on a free and fair election where those currently in power have a fair chance of losing.
7) In a democracy, each adult citizen must have one vote and each vote must have one value.
8) Democracy is a form of government in which the rulers are elected by the people.
1)In Saudi Arabia women do not have the right to vote.
2)Estonia has made its citizenship rules in such a way that people belonging to Russian minority find it difficult to get the right to vote.
3)In Fiji, the electoral system is such that the vote of an indigenous Fiji has more value than that of an Indian-Fijian.
Due to above situations, it is quite apparent that Saudi Arabia, Estonia, and Fiji are not democratic countries in true sense.
NCERT Quick Revision Notes of Chapter-1 What is Democracy? Why Democracy?
NCERT Solution of Chapter-1 What is Democracy? Why Democracy?
NCERT MCQs of Chapter-1 What is Democracy? Why Democracy?
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