In This Post we are providing Chapter-12 Aldehyde, Ketones and Carboxylic acids NCERT MCQ for Class 12 Chemistry which will be beneficial for students. These solutions are updated according to 2021-22 syllabus. These MCQS can be really helpful in the preparation of Board exams and will provide you with a brief knowledge of the chapter.
1) Which of the following carbonyl compound is used in the preparation of ice cream?
a) berzophenone
b) acetophenone
c) acetone
d) acetaldehyde
Answer- : b
2) The polar nature of carbonyl group in aldehydes and ketones is due to____________
a) very less electronegative difference
b) very large electronagative difference
c) presence ot hydrogen bonding
d) presence of sp hybridised characters in carbonyl compound
Answer- : b
3) Which of the following organic compounds are second oxidation products of alkanes?
a) 1°and 2° alcohols
b) carboxylic acids and esters
c) 2° and 3° alcohols
d) aldehyde and ketones
Answer- : d
4) phenones are_________
a) aldehyde in which carbonyl group is attached with benzene ring
b) ketone in which carbonyl group is attached with benzene ring
c) phenols in which carbonyl group is attached with alkyl group
d) phenols in which carbonyl group is attached with group
Answer- : b
5) Mesity oxide is _________
a) condensation product of acetaldehyde
b) addition product of acetaldehyde nd ammonia
C) addition product of acetone and ammonia
d) condensation product of acetone
Answer- : d
6) The dihalide Cl-CH2- CH2- CH2- Cl is _______
a) vicinal dihalide
b) nonterminal geminal dihalide
C) terminal geminal
d) polymethylene dihalide
Answer- : c
7) In IUPAC system
is named as_________
a) naphthalene aldehyde
b) naphthalene carbaldehyde
C) dibenzene aldehyde
d) naphanal
Answer- : b
8) what is the IUPAC name of compound when carbonyl atom carbon atom is attached to Phenyl group and ethyl group
a) propanone benzene
b) phenyl propan- 1-one
c) 2 phenyl propan- 1-one
d) propiophenone
Answer- : c
9) Give the IUPAC name________
CH3- CH2-CH__ CH-CH2-CH3
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a) 4-methyl-2-ethyl pentanal
b) 4-ethyl-3-methyl pentanal
c) 2-ethy-3-methyl pentanal
d )4-methyl hexanal
Answer- : c
10) The IUPAC name of the compound
CH3CH(OH)CH2CH(CH3)CHO is_____
a) 3-hydroxy-1-methyl pentanal
b) 4-hydroxy-Z-methyl pentanal
c) 3-hydroxy-f-methyl pentanal
d 4-hydroxy-3-methyl pentanal
Answer- : b
11) The IUPAC name of the compound, CCl3, CHO is
a) chloral
b) trichloroacetaldehyde
c) 1,1,1-trichloro ethanal
d) 2,2,2-trichloro ethanal
Answer- : d
12) The lUPAC name of methyl iso-propyl ketone is________
a) 3-methyl butan-2-one
b) 2-methyl butan-1-one
c) 3-methyl butan-1-one
d) 1,1-dimethyl-2-one
Answer- : a
13) In aldehydes and ketones the carbonyl carbon is_________
a) sp3-hybridised
b) sp2′ hybridised
c) unhybridised
Answer- : b
14) Polar nature of >C=0 group in aldehydes and ketones results ______
a) intemolecular association
b) hydrogen bonding
c) intermolecular H-bonding
d) intramolecular H-bonding
Answer -: a
15) which of the following decrease the reactivity of aldehyde?
a)+I effect
b) -Ieffect
c) positive electromeric effect
d) negative electromeric effect
Answer -: a