Class 6th English Honeysuckle
NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English are solved by experts in order to help students to obtain excellent marks in their annual examination. All the questions and answers that are present in the CBSE NCERT Books has been included in this page. We have provided all the Class 6 English NCERT Important Questions & MCQs (Honeysuckle, A Pact With the Sun) with a detailed explanation i.e., we have solved all the question with step by step solutions in understandable language. So students having great knowledge over NCERT Solutions Class 6 English can easily make a grade in their board exams.
Chapter 8 A Game of Chance
MCQ Questions
Uncle took me to the fair. Bhaiya, who worked for us at home, came with us. There was a big crowd at the fair. Uncle was leading us through the crowd when he met a few of his friends. They wanted him to spend some time with them. Uncle asked me whether I would like to look around the fair with Bhaiya till he came back. I was happy to do that. Uncle warned me neither to buy anything nor to go too far out while he was away. I promised that I would wait for him.
Question 1.
Name the lesson.
(a) A Game of Chance
(b) Fair Play
(c) Who I Am
(d) The Banyan Tree
Answer: (a) A Game of Chance
Question 2.
On what occasion was the fair held?
(a) Diwali
(b) Holi
(c) Eid
(d) Baisakhi
Answer: (c) Eid
Question 3.
Who had gone to the fair?
(a) Uncle
(b) Narrator
(c) Bhaiya
(d) All of these
Answer: (d) All of these
Question 4.
Who met Uncle in the fair?
(a) His friends
(d) Uncle’s sister
(c) His relatives
(d) Uncle’s teacher
Answer: (a) His friends
Question 5.
What was Rashid told not to do?
(a) To buy anything
(b) To go out of fair
(c) To play any game
(d) To eat anything
Answer: (a) To buy anything
Every year on the occasion of Eid, there was a fair in our village. Bid was celebrated only for one day but the fair lasted many days. Tradesmen from far and wide came there with all kinds of goods to sell. You could buy anything from a small pin to a big buffalo. Uncle took me to the fair, Bhaiya who worked for us at home, came with us.
Question 1.
On what occasion was the fair held in village?
(a) Eid
(b) Holi
(c) Diwali
(d) Baisakhi
Answer: a) Eid
Question 2.
For how many days was the Eid celebrated?
(a) One month
(b) One week
(c) One day
(d) One hour
Answer: (c) One day
Question 3.
Who came from far and wide to sell their goods?
(a) Farmers
(b) Businessman
(c) Workers
(d) Tradesmen
Answer: (d) Tradesmen
Question 4.
Who had gone to the fair?
(a) Uncle
(b) narrator
(c) bhaiya
(d) all of them
Answer: (d) all of them
Question 5.
Give the opposite of ‘sell’.
(a) buy
(b) sold
(c) make
(d) selling
Answer: (a) buy
The Panchayat was held the same evening under an old banyan tree. Jumman stood up and said, “The voice of the Panch is the voice of God. Let my aunt nominate the head Panch. I will abide by her decision.”
“The Panch knows neither friend nor enemy. What do you say to Algu Chowdhry?” The old lady announced.
“Fine,” replied Jumman hiding his joy over the unexpected piece of luck.
Question 1.
Who came to the Lucky shop?
(a) A boy
(b) A gentleman
(c) A girl
(d) A lady
Answer: (a) A boy
Question 2.
What did he buy from the shop?
(a) A game
(b) Cards
(c) A comb
(d) Ludo
Answer: (c) A comb
Question 3.
Next time what did the boy get for three rupees?
(a) Ball
(b) Fountain pen
(c) Comb
(d) Cards
Answer: (b) Fountain pen
Question 4.
What did the boy get the third time?
(a) Comb
(b) Cards
(c) Fountain-pen
(d) Wrist watch
Answer: (d) Wrist watch
Question 5.
Give the opposite of ‘happy’.
(a) unhappy
(b) not happy
(c) joyful
(d) ill
Answer: (a) unhappy
Bhaiya and I went from shop to shop. There were many things I would have liked to buy, but I waited for Uncle to return. Then we came to what was called the Lucky Shop. The shopkeeper was neither young nor old. He was a middle-aged man. He seemed neither too smart nor too lazy. He wanted everybody to try their luck. There were discs on the table with numbers from one to ten facing down. All you had to do was to pay 50 paise, pick up any six discs, add up the numbers on the discs and find the total. The article marked with that number was yours.
Question 1.
Name the lesson.
(a) A Game of Chance
(b) Fair Play
(c) Who I Am
(d) None of these
Answer: (a) A Game of Chance
Question 2.
Who is T in these lines.
(a) The narrator
(b) Narrator’s friend
(c) The uncle
(d) Uncle’s friend
Answer: (a) The narrator
Question 3.
Where did they come?
(a) To Lucky Store
(b) To Lucky Shop
(c) To Lucky Stall
(d) To Lucky House
Answer: (b) To Lucky Shop
Question 4.
What was there on the table?
(a) Cards
(b) Dice
(c) Marbles
(d) Discs
Answer: (d) Discs
Question 5.
How much money had one to pay for the game?
(a) 20 paise
(b) 30 paise
(c) 50 paise
(d) 60 paise
Answer: (c) 50 paise
“You don’t know, child,” Uncle said, “they were all friends of the shopkeeper. They were playing tricks to tempt you to try your luck. They wanted your money and they got it. Now forget about it, and don’t tell anybody of your bad luck or your foolishness.”
Question 1.
Who does ‘child’ refer to?
(a) Rasheed
(b) Rasheed’s friend
(c) Bhaiya
(d) Rasheed’s sister
Answer: (a) Rasheed
Question 2.
Who were the friends of the shopkeeper?
(a) A boy
(b) A boy and an old man both
(c) An old man
(d) An old lady
Answer: (b) A boy and an old man both
Question 3.
Why were the shopkeeper and his friends playing tricks with the people?
(a) To earn money
(b) To give profit to customers
(c) To befool the customers
(d) None of these
Answer: (c) To befool the customers
Question 4.
What did the uncle tell Rasheed not to tell anybody?
(a) About the fair
(b) About his uncle’s friends
(c) About his bad luck
(d) None of these
Answer: (c) About his bad luck
Question 5.
Give the meaning of ‘tempt’.
(a) attract
(b) temptation
(c) achieve
(d) to do
Answer: (a) attract
I wanted to try my luck too. I looked at Bhaiya. He encouraged me. 1 paid 50 paise and took six discs. My luck was hot too good. I got two pencils. The shopkeeper bought them from me for 25 paise. I tried again. This time I got a bottle of ink, also of little value. The shopkeeper bought that too for 25 paise. I took a chance for the third time. Still luck was not with me.
Question 1.
Who is the narrator?
(a) Bhaiya
(b) Rasheed
(c) Uncle
(d) Uncle’s friend
Answer: (b) Rasheed
Question 2.
Where did he try his luck?
(a) At Lucky Shop
(b) At Lucky House
(c) At Lucky Store
(d) At Lucky Stall
Answer: (a) At Lucky Shop
Question 3.
How many discs did he take?
(a) Four
(b) Five
(c) Six
(d) Eight
Answer: (c) Six
Question 4.
In first chance, what did he get?
(a) Two pens
(b) A pen
(c) A comb
(d) Two pencils
Answer: (d) Two pencils
Question 5.
What did he get in second chance?
(a) Comb
(b) Bottle of ink
(c) Pens
(d) Pencils
Answer: (b) Bottle of ink
Presently he came. He looked at me and said, “Rasheed, you look upset. What is the matter?” I did not say anything. Bhaiya told him what had happened. Uncle was neither angry nor sad. He smiled and patted me. He took me to a shop and bought me a beautiful umbrella, biscuits and sweets and some other little gifts.
Question 1.
Who is ‘he’ in the above lines?
(a) Uncle
(b) Rasheed
(c) Bhaiya
(d) Shopkeeper
Answer: (a) Uncle
Question 2.
What change did the uncle notice in Rasheed?
(a) Rasheed was angry
(b) Rasheed was happy
(c) Rasheed was crying
(d) Rasheed was upset
Answer: (d) Rasheed was upset
Question 3.
Who told uncle about the game at Lucky Shop?
(a) Bhaiya
(b) Uncle’s friend
(c) Rasheed
(d) Shopkeeper
Answer: (a) Bhaiya
Question 4.
How did he react?
(a) He became angry
(b) He became sad
(c) He was neither angry nor sad
(d) He was silent
Answer: (c) He was neither angry nor sad
Question 5.
Give the meaning of ‘upset’.
(a) happy
(b) sad
(c) set-up
(d) feeling good
Answer: (b) sad
Important Questions
Question 1.
What was Rasheed’s fault at the fair?
Rasheed’s fault was that he did not pay heed to the advice of his uncle. He told him not to buy anything nor to go too far away in his absence.
Question 2.
How did Rasheed lose all his money at the Lucky shop?
Rasheed was tempted to try his luck and wanted win some big prize. He took several chances but won no expensive item. Thus he lost all his money.
Question 3.
Was it Rasheed’s fault or he was tricked?
Rasheed was neither unlucky nor foolish. He was an innocent boy while the shopkeeper was a cheat.
Question 4.
How did uncle explain the tricks of the shopkeeper?
Uncle told Rasheed that the ‘Lucky Shop’ man had made fool of him. The old man and the boy who won costly things were in fact the shopkeeper’s friends. It was all a trick to tempt the customers.
Question 5.
What lesson did the narrator learn from his experience at the fair?
The narrator Rasheed went to the fair on the occasion of Eid. He was tempted to try his luck at a shop. He was too innocent. The shopkeeper was cheat. He lost all his little money in that game of chance. He learnt the lesson that he can be easily be fooled and robbed of his money by with shopkeepers.
Question 6.
What trick did the shopkeeper play to allure his customers to play the losing game?
The shopkeeper was rewarding the persons who staked their money with costly prizes. The game was played with six numbered discs. The winner claimed the article with the winning number. The tricky shopkeeper gave handsome prizes to his own friends. Rasheed too was tempted to try his luck. But he lost the last penny in that game of chance.
Question 7.
Why do you think Rasheed’s uncle asked him not to buy anything in his absence?
Rasheed’s uncle knew that many tradesmen and shopkeepers who made a fool of the gullible persons. Therefore, he asked Rasheed not to buy anything in his absence.
Question 8.
Why was the shop called ‘Lucky Shop’?
The shop was called ‘Lucky Shop’ so as to attract the people to try their luck and win prizes.
Question 9.
An old man won a clock and sold it back to the shopkeeper. How much money did he make?
The old man made 15 rupees by selling the clock back to the shopkeeper.
Question 10.
How many prizes did the boy win? What were they?
The boy won four prizes. They were a comb, a fountain pen, a wrist watch and a table lamp.
Question 11.
Why was Rasheed upset?
Rasheed was upset because he did not win any prize. All his money was lost at the ‘Lucky Shop’.
Question 12.
In what way did the shopkeeper make a fool of Rasheed?
The shopkeeper played tricks to tempt to try his lucky by making him believe that it was luck that got the old man and the boy. theft- prizes but in reality they were friends of the shopkeeper. Therefore, Rasheed tried his luck again and again but only got some cheap things which he sold back to the shopkeeper and lost all his money.
A Game of Chance Extra Questions and Answers Long Answer Type
Question 1.
‘The game chance’ disheartened Rasheed: What role the elders should play in regaining the faith of a child’ like Rasheed, who had a bad experience?
Rasheed tried his luck in ‘the Lucky Shop’ but he failed to win any reward. That was disheartening and demoralizing for the sensitive mind of the child. He felt that everyone around was making fun of him. Elders like Rasheed’s Uncle, without making fun of him, taught him not to embarrass himself. He asked him not to discuss about this act of various stupidity. To divert his attention from this episode, he bought him gifts. So that he won’t feel guilty. The lesson he learnt for life time was not to trust anybody blindly. His confidence was rebuilt by the faith his uncle reposed in him.
Question 2.
‘The owner of the shop played a mind game’. What impact would it have on a child’s mind?
Children easily believe in what they see. When Rasheed was convinced that others are winning, he went ahead to try his luck as well. Initially he was optimistic to get reward by trying his luck. But later he felt discouraged. Nobody in the gathering came to comfort and console him. He was properly guided only by his uncle. He supported him unconditionally. The child would have personality disorders like lack of confidence. He might consider him unlucky as well. He was shattered by the whole incident. So, the society should own the responsibility of making confident citizens. If they observe anything wrong, they should raise the voice then and there.
A Game of Chance Extra Questions and Answers Reference to Context
Question 1.
Every year on the occasion of Eid, there was a fair in our village. Eid was celebrated only one day but the fair lasted many days. Tradesmen from far and wide came there with all kinds of goods to sell. You could buy anything from a small pin to a big buffalo. Uncle took me to the fair. Bhaiya, who worked for us at home, came with us. There was a big crowd at the fair. Uncle was leading us through the crowd when he met a few of his friends. They wanted him to spend some time with them.
(i) What was organised on the occasion of Eid?
(ii) What happen in the fair?
(iii) Who took Rasheed to the fair?
(iv) Whom did Uncle meet in the fair?
(v) Write the past participle of‘lead’.
(i) A fair was organised on Eid.
(ii) Shops were set up by tradesmen for sale of goods.
(iii) Uncle took Rasheed to the fair.
(iv) Uncle met with his friends in the fair.
(v) led.
Question 2.
Uncle warned me neither to buy anything nor to go too far out while he was away. I promised that I . would wait for him. Bhaiya and I went from shop to shop. There were many things I would have liked to buy, but I waited for Uncle to return. Then we came to what was called the Lucky Shop. The shopkeeper was neither young nor old. He was a middle-aged man. He seemed neither too smart nor too lazy. Questions
(i) Who gave the warning?
(ii) What was the warning?
(iii) Why Rasheed couldn’t buy anything?
(iv) What was the name of the shop?
(v) Give antonym of lazy.
(i) Uncle gave the warning.
(ii) Uncle warned him neither to buy anything nor to go too far out while he was away.
(iii) Rasheed couldn’t buy anything because he waited for his uncle to come.
(iv) ‘The lucky shop’ was the name of the shop.
(v) Active.
Question 3.
I wanted to try my luck too. I looked at Bhaiya. He encouraged me. I paid 50 paise and took six discs. My luck was not too good. I got two pencils. The shopkeeper bought them from me for 25 paise. I tried again. This time I got a bottle of ink, also of little value. The shopkeeper bought that too for 25 paise. I took a chance for the third time. Still luck was not with me.
(i) Who is T in above passage?
(ii) Who encouraged him to try his luck?
(iii) What did he win in the first chance?
(iv) What price did the shopkeeper pay for bottle of ink?
(v) What made Rasheed think that luck was not with him?
(i) I is the boy Rasheed, named in the passage.
(ii) Rasheed’s bhaiya encouraged him to try his luck.
(iii) Rasheed .won two pencils only.
(iv) The shopkeeper paid 25 paise for the bottle of ink.
(v) Rasheed could manage to win things of little value only.
Question 4.
People were looking at me. Some were laughing at my bad luck, but none showed any sympathy. Bhaiya and! went to the place where Uncle had left us and waited for him to return. Presently he came. He looked at me and said, “Rasheed, you look upset. What is the matter?”
(i) Who were looking at him?
(ii) Why were they laughing?
(iii) Where did Rasheed and his Bhaiya return to?
(iv) What was the reason of his being upset?
(v) Change the noun into adjective for the word ‘sympathy’.
(i) People were looking at him.
(ii) They were laughing at his bad luck.
(iii) Rasheed and his Bhaiya returned to the place where his uncle left him.
(iv) He was upset as he was befooled by the shopkeeper.
(v) Sympathic
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