NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English are solved by experts in order to help students to obtain excellent marks in their annual examination. All the questions and answers that are present in the CBSE NCERT Books has been included in this page. We have provided all the Class 6 English NCERT Solutions (Honeysuckle, A Pact With the Sun) with a detailed explanation i.e., we have solved all the question with step by step solutions in understandable language. So students having great knowledge over NCERT Solutions Class 6 English can easily make a grade in their board exams.
Table of Contents
ToggleNCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Honeysuckle Prose
NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Chapter 6 Who I Am
Working With the Text (Page 73)
Answer the following questions.
Q1. Peter’s favourite day of the week is Sunday because_______
Ans. ……. on this day the whole family goes to see a film.
Q2. Nasir wants to learn___________________
Ans. … Fr.e art of collecting cotton seeds. ‘
Q3.Dolma believes that she can make a good Prime Minister because____
Ans. ……. she hopes to make things better for everyone, to have great scientists and doctors, good hospitals and roads and schools.
B.Write True or False against each of the following statements.
1.Peter is an only child. _________________________ .
2.When Serbjit gets angry he shouts at people. _____________________________
3.Nasir lives in the city. _________________________
4.Radha’s mother enjoys doing things with her. ____________________________
Ans. 1. False; 2. False; 3. False; 4. True.
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