NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Social Science
NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Social Science includes all the questions provided in NCERT Class 6 Social Science Text book of Geography The Earth: Our Habitat, History Our Pasts, Civics Social and Political Life. Here CBSE Class 6 SST all questions are solved with the detailed explanation to score good marks in the exams.
Chapter 6 Kingdoms, Kings and an Early Republic History Solutions | Edugrown
Page 55
Question 1.
Make a list of all those who could be present at the sacrifice. Which are the categories that are described in terms of their occupation.
The people who would be present at the sacrifice are
- The king, his wives, and sons, and other relatives.
- The ministers of the king,
- The Charioteer, who chanted the tales of the rajas’ glory,
- The priest who performed the rituals.
- The other rajas who had accepted his supremacy.
- The ordinary people, the ‘risk’ or ‘vaishyas’.
The category of people who are described in terms of their occupation are
- The king, who protected the people and looked after their welfare.
- Charioteer, who accompanied the king, in his exploits.
- The priest who performed the religious ceremony.
Page 56
Question 1.
Why did the people oppose the system of varnas?
The priests divided the people into four groups called the varnas. According to it, each varna had a different set of functions.
- The first varna was that of Brahmins, who were expected to study and teach the Vedas, perform sacrifices, and receive gifts.
- The second varna was that of Kshatriyas. They were expected to fight battles and protect people
- The Third varna was Vish or vaishyas, they were farmers, herders, traders. But Kshatriyas and vaishyas could perform sacrifices.
- The last varna were the Shudras, who had to serve the other three groups and could perform any ritual.
The priests said that these varnas were decided on the basis of birth. Later they called some people untouchables. - Some people did not accept the varna system. The kings thought that they were superior to the priests. Others felt birth could not be a basis for deciding the varna of the people.
Question 2.
Is there a crop in the list which was not mentioned in Chapter 4?
The Harappan (Chapter 4) grew wheat, barley, pulses, peas, rice, sesame, linseed, and mustard. In (Chap 6) People grew rice, wheat, barley, pulses, sugarcane, sesame, and mustard. Sugarcane was not grown by the people in Harappa.
Page 59
Question 1.
List two ways in which rajas of the Mahajanpadas were different from those mentioned in the Rigveda.
Rajas of mahajanpadas | Raja in Rigvedic times |
They become rajas by performing very big sacrifices where people accepted their supremacy. | The rules were chosen by the Jana i.e. the people. |
They had a capital city, which was fortified. They had large armies. | They did not have a capital city, places, or armies, nor did they collect taxes. |
Question 2.
What do you think would have been provided by hunters and gatherers.
- The hunters may have brought fresh meat every day for the king.
- Gatherers brought forest produce like honey and nuts for the king.
Page 60
Question 1.
Can you think why would encourage these changes?
The king of this time encouraged these change i.e.,
- Use iron plowshare
- Transplanting of paddy.
It was because these two activities would be led to increased agricultural production. As a result of this, kings would be able to abstract more tax from their men. In this way, they shall be able to maintain a large army that will be utilized in acquiring land, which could be used for agriculture.
Page 61
Question 1.
In what ways were these armies different from those described in Rigveda.
To the Rigvedic times, there was no regular army. Most men took part in the war, there were assemblies where people met and discussed matters of war and peace. In the later period, the king had vast armies of foot soldiers, chariots, and elephants. The king took the decision about war and peace.
Page 62
Question 1.
In what ways the Vajji Sangha different from other Mahajanpadas. Try and list at least three differences.
Vajji Sangha | Other Mahajanpadas |
Vajji sangha was nuder a different form of government known as Gana or Sangha | They were governed by strong rulers. |
In the saga there were many rules, each was called a Raja. | There was a single powerful ruler. |
They met in assemblies and decided what to do through discussion and debates. | The king took all the decisions. Maybe he took the help of the ministers, but it was not binding on him. |
Page 63
Question 1.
Do you think it was true democracy in Athens?
In Athens, it was not a true democracy because
- Women were not considered as citizens.
- Several thousand slaves who worked in the mines, fields, households, and workshops were not treated as citizens.
- Everyone, i.e. the citizens were expected to serve in the army and the navy.
Question 2.
Imagine that you are peeping through a crack in the walls of the assembly of Vaishali, where the meeting is in progress to discuss a way to deal with an attack by the king of Magadha. Describe what you might hear.
Theese are assembly in Vaishali is holding a meeting to discuss how to deal with an attack by the king of Magadha.
- Who is going to lead the army? Who is in total control of the army?
- Who will lead the elephants, horses, and chariots, the different wings of the army?
- What strategy will be adopted in direct combat?
- Then will they meet during the battle to discuss the situation.
Class 6 History Chapter 6 Kingdoms, Kings and an Early Republic Exercise Questions and Answers
Let’s Recall
Question 1.
State whether true or false.
(a) Rajas who let the Ashvamedha, horse pass through their lands were invited to the sacrifice.
(b) The charioteer sprinkled sacred water on the king.
(c) Archaeologists have found palaces in the settlements of the Jana padas.
(d) Pots to store grain were made out of Painted Grey Ware.
(e) Many cities in the Mahajanapadas were fortified.
Question 2.
Fill in the chart given below with the terms: hunters-gatherers, farmers, traders, craftspersons, herders, those who paid taxes.
Question 3.
Who were the groups who could not participate in the assemblies of the Ganas?
(1) Women, (2) Dasas, and (3) Karmakaras (or so-called Shudras) were three groups who could not participate in the assemblies of the ganas or sanghas.
Let’s Discuss
Question 4.
Why did the rajas of the Mahajanapadas build forts?
The ‘rajas’ of ‘mahajanapadas’ built forts around their capital cities because probably the people were afraid of attacks from other kings and needed protection. It is also possible that some ‘rajas’ wanted to show that they were rich and powerful by building large, tall, and impressive walls around cities. Moreover, by fortifying, the land and its people could be controlled more easily.
Question 5.
In what ways are present-day elections different from the ways in which rulers were chosen in Janapadas.
In the present day elections in India, we have adopted the idea of a universal adult franchise, where every person above the age of 18 years has a right to vote. Voting is based on the principle of ‘one man one vote’. The rulers who performed the Ashvamedha sacrifice were recognized as being the rulers of Janapadas.
Let’s Do
Question 6.
Find the state in which you live on the political map on page 136. Were there any Janapadas in your state? If yes, same them. If not, name the Janapadas that would have been closest to your state and mention whether they were to the cast, west, north, or south.
The Janapada Indraprastha was in Delhi. The archaeologists have excavated Purana Qila.
Question 7.
Find out whether any of the groups mentioned in answer 2 pay taxes today,
Out of the groups mentioned in answer 2, those that pay taxes even today are traders.
Question 8.
Find out whether the groups mentioned in answer 3 having voting rights at present.
The people who could not the assemblies were women, slaves, and Karmmakaras.In present times, slavery has been abolished. Every democracy is based on the principle of a universal adult franchise. Everyone has the right to vote in the election after a specific age.
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