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ToggleChapter 2 Components of Food Class 6th Science
Question 1.
Diseases that occur due to lack of nutrients over a long period are called disease.
(a) scurvy
(b) deficiency
(c) Beri-Beri
(d) none of these
(b) deficiency
Diseases that occur due to lack of nutrients over a long period are called deficiency diseases.
Question 2.
Repeated washing of rice and pulses may remove some and present in them.
(a) vitamins
(b) minerals
(c) both (a) and (b)
(d) none of these
(c) both (a) and (b)
Repeated washing of rice and pulses may remove vitamins and minerals present in them.
Question 3.
get lost in the process of cooking and preparations.
(a) Nutrients
(b) Oil
(c) Taste
(d) Spices
(a) Nutrients
Nutrients get lost in the process of cooking and preparations.
Question 4.
What happen if excess water is used during cooking and is then thrown away ?
(a) tastes is lost
(b) Oil is lost
(c) Many useful proteins and considerable amount of minerals are lost
(d) None of these
(c) Many useful proteins and considerable amount of minerals are lost
Many useful proteins and considerable amount of minerals are lost if excess water is used.
Question 5.
How do we get most of the water that our body needs ?
(a) The liquid we drink-such as water, milk, tea
(b) We add water to most cooked food
(c) Many food materials that we eat themselves contain water
(d) All of these
(d) All of these
Through all of these given statements we get most of water, that our body needs.
Question 6.
How many meals does a child take everyday ?
(a) 7
(b) 4
(c) 3
(d) none of these
(c) 3
A child takes 3 meals everyday.
Question 7.
What food items we eat in our lunch ?
(a) Curd, Roti, Dal
(b) Biscuit, milk
(c) Only fruit
(d) All of these
(a) Curd, Roti, Dal
We eat curd, roti, dal in our breakfast.
Question 8.
How many groups can be classified of nutrients required by our body ?
(a) 7
(b) 4
(c) 3
(d) 8
(a) 7
7 groups can be classified as nutrients required by our body.
Question 9.
……………….. are made up of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.
(a) Vitamins
(b) Calcium
(c) Proteins
(d) Carbohydrates
(d) Carbohydrates
Carbohydrates are made up of carbon, hydi’ogen and oxygen.
Question 10.
The excess carbohydrates are mainly stored in the body as:
(a) calcium
(b) proteins
(c) fats
(d) roughage
(c) fats
The excess carbohydrates are mainly stored in the body as fats.
Question 11.
Carbohydrates are present in the form of:
(a) sugar
(b) starch
(c) both (a) and (b)
(d) none of these
(c) both (a) and (b)
Carbohydrates are present in the form of sugar and starch.
Question 12.
The human body is made up of amino acids and constitute all proteins of the body.
(a) 10
(b) 20
(c) 30
(d) 15
(b) 20
The human body is made up of 20 amino acids.
Question 13.
………….. are body building foods.
(a) Fats
(b) Calcium
(c) Vitamins
(d) Proteins
(d) Proteins
Proteins are body building foods.
Question 14.
What is the similarities of carbohydrates and fats ?
(a) both have sugar
(b) both have starch
(c) both have oxygen, carbon and hydrogen
(d) all of these
(c) both have oxygen, carbon and hydrogen
Both have oxygen, carbon and hydrogen.
Question 15.
What is the main difference between carbohydrates and fats?
(a) the amount of oxygen is less in fats as compared to carbohydrates
(b) the amount of oxygen is more in fats as compared to carbohydrates
(c) the amount of oxygen is same in fats as compared to carbohydrates
(d) none of these
(a) the amount of oxygen is less in fats as compared to carbohydrates
The amount of oxygen is less in fats as compared to carbohydrates.
Question 16.
Vitamins are required in ……………… amounts, but are essential for the proper functioning of the body.
(a) big
(b) large
(c) small
(d) none of these
(c) small
Vitamins are required in small amounts, but are essential for the proper functioning of the body.
Question 17.
About vitamins are needed by our body.
(a) 45
(b) 15
(c) 35
(d) 25
(b) 15
About 15 vitamins are needed by our body.
Question 18.
Each vitamins has a function.
(a) normal
(b) same
(c) specific
(d) all of these
(c) specific
Each vitamins has a specific functions.
NCERT Extra Questions for Class 6 Science Chapter 2 Components of Food
What do different food items contain?
Question 1.
What are nutrients?
The components of food that are necessary for growth and development of our body are called nutrients.
Question 2.
Which are the nutrients essential for our body?
Carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals, roughage and water are the nutrients essential for our bod
Question 3.
What is nutrition?
The process of taking nutrients from our food for the growth and development of body and to obtain energy is known as nutrition.
Question 4.
Write the functions of food.
The functions of food are as follows:
- Food provides nutrients for proper growth and functioning of the body.
- Food gives protection against diseases.
- Food provides energy to carry out physical activities.
Question 5.
Why does our body need nutritious food?
We know that food is needed for the growth of our body. Food gives us energy to work and play. It gives us resistance against diseases. The components of food are carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, fibre and water. Nutrients are the components of food that the body needs in adequate amounts for growth, to reproduce and to lead a normal healthy life. All types of nutrients have their own functions to perform, but the different nutrients must act together. So nutritious food provides energy for all the activities of body.
Question 6.
Name the different food groups.
Food can be broadly sub-divided into the following three groups:
- Energy giving food. For example, carbohydrates and fats.
- Body building food. For example, proteins.
- Protective food. For example, vitamins and minerals.
Question 7.
How will you test for starch in a food sample?
Take a small quantity of a food sample, put 2-3 drops of iodine solution on it. A blue black colour indicates that the food sample contains starch.
Question 8.
How will you test for protein in a food sample?
Take a small quantity of food sample in a test tube, add 10 drops of water to it and shake the test tube, after that add two drops of solution of copper sulphate and ten drops of caustic soda. A violet colour indicates presence of protein in the food sample.
Question 9.
How will you test for fat in a food sample?
Put the sample of food on a piece of paper and crush it. If the paper at that spot becomes translucent and greasy, the sample contains fat.
Question 10.
What are the main carbohydrates found in our food?
The main carbohydrates found in our food are in the form of starch and sugars.
Question 11.
Name two energy-producing nutrients.
The two energy-producing nutrients are:
- Carbohydrates
- Fats.
Question 12.
Name two nutrients which protect the body from diseases.
The two nutrients which protect the body from diseases are:
- Vitamins
- Minerals.
Question 13.
Name two food items which provide fats.
The two food items which provide fats are:
- Oil
- Ghee.
What do various nutrients do for our body?
Question 1.
Name the food each rich in:
- dietary fibre
- sugar
- protein
- starch
- fat and oil.
- Dietary fibre: Spinach, cabbage, ladyfinger.
- Sugar: Milk, banana, sugarcane.
- Protein: Milk, meat, fish, egg.
- Starch: Rice, wheat, bajara.
- Fat and oil: Butter, ghee, cheese, groundnut.
Question 2.
Name the food needed:
- for strong bones and teeth
- to prevent scurvy
- to avoid constipation
- for warmth
- for growth.
- The bones and teeth are made up of salts of calcium and phosphorus. Calcium is found in milk, buttermilk, cheese, green leafy vegetables, ragi. While cereals, pulses, fish and meat are good sources of phosphorus.
- To prevent scurvy, vitamin C is required, which is found in citrus fruits, green and red peppers.
- To avoid constipation, roughage is very important. Roughage is mostly given by the food derived from plants, which contains enough cellulose. Most of the vegetables, fruits and whole grain provide roughage in our food.
- For warmth: ghee, butter, meat, fish, etc.
- For growth: milk, green leafy vegetables.
Question 3.
What are the roles of
- (a) carbohydrates,
- (bt fats,
- fc) vitamins and
- id) minerals.
1. Role of carbohydrates: Carbohydrates provide us energy.
2.Role of fats: Fats provide us energy.
3. Role of vitamins:
- Vitamins are necessary for various physiological activities.
- Vitamins keep us healthy and protect us from many diseases.
- Vitamins are required for the proper functioning of body parts.
4. Role of minerals:
- Minerals help us to make our bones and teeth strong.
- They help to prepare blood.
Question 4.
What do you mean by staple food?
The main food that we eat to provide us energy is called staple food. In our country, rice, chapati and bread are staple food.
Question 5.
What is the function of vitamins?
Vitamins only help in the proper utilization of other nutrients such as carbohydrates and fats. Many vitamins help enzymes in their action and are called co-enzymes.
Question 6.
Name any two sources of Vitamin B.
The two sources of Vitamin B are:
- Milk
- Soybean.
Question 7.
Name the vitamin present in orange.
Vitamin C.
Question 8.
What is the role of Vitamin C?
Vitamin C helps in proper growth, healthy teeth, gums and joints and helps the body fight against the diseases.
Question 9.
Write the names of fat soluble vitamins.
Vitamin A and Vitamin D.
Question 10.
Write the names of any two water soluble vitamins.
The two water soluble vitamins are:
- Vitamin B
- Vitamin C.
Question 11.
Write the sources of fat.
ats are found in vegetable oil, ghee, butter, milk, cheese, meat, fish, cod-liver oil, etc.
Question 12.
What are the sources of carbohydrates?
Rice, wheat, maize, potatoes, sugar and jaggery are the sources of carbohydrates.
Question 13.
What is roughage? Why its presence in our food is important?
The rough, fibrous content of food is called roughage. Green vegetables like spinach, cabbage, ladyfinger and beans contain a good amount of roughage:
Role of roughage: Roughage helps in the movement of bowel. Roughage prevents constipation.
Question 14.
Name the main constituent of roughage.
Cellulose is the main constituent of roughage.
Question 15.
Which among the following provides maximum roughage to the diet if taken in equal amount?
Egg, cucumber, grapes, cabbage.
Question 16.
Name the minerals which make our teeth and bones.
Calcium and Phosphorus.
Question 17.
What are various functions of proteins?
Functions of proteins are:
- Proteins are the building materials of our body.
- Proteins are the constituents of enzymes.
- Proteins make our muscles, skin, hair and nails.
- Proteins form a red pigment in blood which acts as an oxygen carrier.
- Proteins like fibrin help in clotting of blood.
- Proteins help in repairing damaged cells, replacing wornout or dead cells and tissues.
- Proteins help to develop resistance of the body against various infections.
Question 18.
Here are three strips. You have to paste them in figure at three places 1, 2 and3 At which place will you paste each strip?
- Protein rich food
- Carbohydrate rich food
- Fat rich food.
Names of strips and their appropriate places are:

Question 19.
How are vitamins classified?
Vitamins are classified into two categories:
- Water soluble vitamins, e.g., vitamins B and C.
- Fat soluble vitamins, e.g., vitamins A, D, E and K
Balanced Diet
Question 1.
What is a balanced diet?
A diet in which every component of food (carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals, water and roughage) is present in proper amount is known as a balanced diet.
Question 2.
- How many calories does a 12-year old boy or girl need each day?
- How can the boy or girl get this in his/her diet?
- A 12-year old boy or girl needs 2000-2200 calories per day.
- The boy or girl can get this by a diet including daal, rice, roti, green vegetables, ghee and a bit of jaggeiy.
Question 3.
Why does a growing child need more minerals?
A growing child needs more minerals like calcium and phosphorus for the formation of bones.
Question 4.
Write three important properties of a balanced diet.
A balanced diet has the following properties:
- It is rich in essential nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and certain amino acids,
- It provides enough material to take care of the needs of growth, repair and replacement of cells, tissues and organs of the body.
- It provides energy required by the body.
Question 5.
What is obesity?
When a person eats too much fat-containing food, then the fats get deposited in his body and he may end up suffering from a condition called obesity.
Question 6.
Explain why people who eat sea-food do not suffer from goitre.
Goitre is caused due td iodine deficiency. Sea-food is a rich source of iodine and prevents the occurrence of goitre in people who eat sea-food.
Deficiency diseases
Question 1.
What is malnutrition? What are its harmful effects?
Malnutrition is the physical state of a person resulting either from an imbalanced diet or from physical inability to absorb nutrients properly due to some diseases.
The harmful effects of malnutrition are:
- Deficiency of any of the nutrients in our diet causes diseases.
- Deficiency of protein causes kwashiorkor disease.
- Deficiency of carbohydrate and protein causes marasmus.
Question 2.
What is the effect of protein deficiency on the health of children?
If a child does not get enough protein in his food for long time, he is likely to suffer from protein deficiency. Children suffering from protein deficiency have light brown hair, face like that of an old man, always hungry, and distended stomach. They are under¬weight and skinny with very little flesh on bones. This disease is called Kwashiorkor.
Question 3.
What is marasmus? What are its symptoms?
Marasmus is caused by the deficiency of proteins and carbohydrates in children.
Symptom: The child becomes so thin that loose folds of skin can be seen all over the body.
Question 4.
Write the sources and deficiency diseases of the vitamins ‘A’, ‘B’ complex, C, D, E and K.
Vitamins | Sources | Deficiency diseases |
1. Vitamin A | Milk, butter, yellow fruits and vegetables, egg yolk, liver oil of fish. | Xerophthalmia, Night blindness, anaemia |
2. Vitamin B complex | Milk, egg, green vegetables, cheese, meat, germinating seeds, yeast and unpolished rice. | Beriberi |
3. Vitamin C | Citrus fruits, green and red peppers. | Scurvy |
4. Vitamin D | Milk, egg, fish, liver oil, sunlight. | Rickets |
5. Vitamin E | Vegetable seeds, eggs, sweet potatoes, oil, meat, sprouted grains. | Sterility |
6. Vitamin K | Egg yolk, liver, cheese, tomato, cabbage, soybean, cauliflower. | Improper coagulation of blood |
Question 5.
What is anaemia? What are the symptoms of anaemia?
The deficiency of iron in the diet leads to a disease called anaemia.
Symptoms: looks pale, gets tired easily, loses weight and nails turn white.
Question 6.
Why is it advised to take iodised salt?
Iodised salt contains iodine. Iodine deficiency results in the enlargement of thyroid gland, retarded growth and mental disability. Iodized salts help us to overcome iodine deficiency.
Objective Type Questions
Question 1.
Match the following items given in Column A with that in Column B:
Column A | Column B |
(a) Energy giving food | (i) Vitamins and minerals |
(b) Body building food | (ii) Iodine |
(c) Protective food | (iii) Fats, carbohydrates |
(d) Test for fat | (iv) Copper sulphate and caustic soda |
(e) Test for starch | (v) Oily patch on paper sheet |
(f) Test for protein | (vi) Proteins |
Column A | Column B |
(a) Energy giving food | (iii) Fats, carbohydrates |
(b) Body building food | (vi) Proteins |
(c) Protective food | (i) Vitamins and minerals |
(d) Test for fat | (v) Oily patch on paper sheet |
(e) Test for starch | (ii) Iodine |
(f) Test for protein | (iv) Copper sulphate and caustic soda |
Question 2.
Fill in the blanks with appropriate words:
- For proper ……………….. and …………………… our bodies need adequate food.
- Proteins build ………….. material.
- Non-living machines burn the fuel at ……………… temperature while living machines burn their food at ………………… temperature.
- Starch is a ……………… of sugar.
- ……………….. gives blue colour with iodine.
- Proteins are made up of …………………… .
- Skin, hair and nails are …………………… .
- Co-enzymes are nothing but …………….. .
- Vitamin C causes ……………….. when found deficient.
- Our body contains ……………………. of water.
- Most of the reactions in our body occur in ……………. solutions.
- Balanced diet is one containing all ……………….. .
- Deficiency of ……………. causes rough skin, weak eyesight and thinness of body.
- Excess intake of………………… over a large period may damage kidneys.
- Lack of ……………….. leads to lethargy, inactivity and feeling of tiredness.
- Intake of inadequate quantities of proteins may ………………….. the growth and development of children.
- growth, maintenance
- body
- high, low
- polynler
- Starch
- amino acids
- proteins
- proteins
- scurvy
- 61%
- water
- nutrients
- eight
- proteins
- alcohol
Question 3.
State whether the statements given below are True or False:
- Deficiency of vitamin A makes our bones weak.
- Deficiency of iron causes paleness.
- Calcium is necessary for strong bones and teeth.
- Deficiency of vitamin B helps to increase our appetite.
- Deficiency of vitamin D causes swollen and bleeding gums.
- Carbohydrates are the main source of energy in our diet.
- Expensive food is not always the best food
- Protein is a staple food.
- Haemoglobin is a carbohydrate.
- Cotton and paper are carbohydrates.
- Tomatoes contain vitamin C.
- Eating lady finger makes you good in mathematics.
- False
- True
- True
- False
- False
- True
- True
- False
- False
- True
- True
- False
Question 4.
Choose the correct option in the following questions:
(i) The food components needed by our body are called
(a) ingredients
(b) nutrients
(c) fragments
(d) ornaments
(b) ingredients of food have some components which are needed by our
body. Such components are called nutrients.
(ii) Carbohydrates can be tested by using
(a) iodine solution
(b) caustic soda
(c) copper sulphate
(d) fehling solution
(a) Carbohydrates (starch) give violet or black colour with iodine solution.
(iii) Which one of the following is an energy giving component?
(a) Protein
(b) Vitamins and minerals
(c) Roughage
(d) Carbohydrates and fats
(d) Carbohydrates and fats are main sources of energy.
(iv) Vitamins and minerals are
(a) protective food
(b) energy giving food
(c) body building food
(d) roughage
(a) Vitamins and minerals protect our body from various diseases.
(v) Roughage helps in
(a) protecting our body from diseases
(b) movement of bowel
(c) providing energy
(d) building and repair of various body parts
(b) Roughage are rich in fibres. Fibres keep in bowel movement.
(vi) Scurvy is caused due to the deficiency of
(a) vitamin A
(b) vitamin B
(c) vitamin C
(d) vitamin D
(c) Deficiency of vitamin C causes scurvy.
(vii) Diseases caused due to the deficiency of vitamins are known as
(a) dietary diseases
(b) cronic diseases
(c) deficiency diseases
(d) transmitted diseases
(c) Since such diseases are caused by deficiency of food components.
(viii) All the deficiency diseases can be prevented by
(a) cleanliness ,
(b) taking medicine at proper time
(c) vaccination
(d) taking balanced diet
(d) If we take balanced diet there will not be any kind of deficiency.
(ix) Which of the following food items contains carbohydrates?
(a) Rice i
(b) Gram
(c) Cabbage
(d) Pulses
(a) Rice is a source of carbohydrates.
(x) Night blindness is caused due to deficiency of
(a) vitamin A
(b) vitamin B
(c) vitamin C
(d) vitamin D
(a) Night blindness is caused due to deficiency of vitamin A.
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