(b) Differentiate between the two categories of angiosperms giving an example of each. [SAII – 2014]
(a) Angiosperms are so called because these plants have covered seeds.
Seeds develop within ovary which later modify into fruit.
Cotyledons are considered an important part of seed as these are seed leaves. In many instances, they emerge and become green when the seed germinates.
(b) The angiosperms are divided into two categories depending upon the number of cotyledons present in the seeds:
(i) Monocot — Plants having single cotyledon, e.g., Paphiopedilum, maize.
(ii) Dicot — Plants having two cotyledons, e.g., Ipomoea, sunflower.
(a) Identify the organism shown in the picture and write the common name and scientific name of the organism.
(b) Name its phylum and kingdom.
(c) Which organ of digestive system normally harbours this organism ?
(a) It is Ascaris.Common name is Roundworm.Scientific name is Ascaris lumbricoides.
(b) Phylum — Nematoda and Kingdom-Animalia.
(c) Small intestine (an organ of digestive system) normally harbours this organism.
(a) Identify three features possessed by all chordates.
(b) Name the classes of vertebrates which have the following characteristics:
(1) Animals that have streamlined body and gills for breathing.
(2) Animals that are found both on land and in water.
(3) Animals that have mammary glands for the production of milk to nourish their young ones.
(a) Features of chordates:
- They have notochord.
- They have a dorsal hollow nerve chord.
- They are triploblastic.
- They have paired gill pouches.
- They are coelomate.
- Pisces
- Amphibians
- Mammals.
Answer .Criterion for classification of organisms belonging to kingdom Monera:
(i) These organisms do not have a defined nucleus or organelles, nor do any of them show multicellular body designs.
(ii) Some of them have cell walls while some do not have.
The mode of nutrition of organisms in this group can be either by synthesizing their own food (autotrophic) or getting it from the environment (heterotrophic).
(iv) This group includes bacteria, blue-green algae or cyanobacteria and mycoplasma.
Criterion for classification of organisms belonging to kingdom Protista:
(i) This group includes many kinds of unicellular eukaryotic organisms.
(ii) Some of these organisms use appendages, such as hair-like cilia or whip-like flagella for moving around.
(iii) Their mode of nutrition can be autotrophic or heterotrophic.
(iv) This group includes unicellular algae, diatoms and protozoans.



Question.8 What are the differences between animals belonging to the Aves group and those in the Mammalia
group ? [SAII- 2011]
Question.9 What are the advantages of classifying organisms ?
Answer. The importance of classification is :
- It provides us an information regarding the diversity of plants and animals.
- It provides insight into the origin of organism and interrelationship between them.
- It makes the study of wide variety of organisms.
- It helps in understanding the evolution of organisms. –
- Various fields of applied biology like agriculture, environmental biology etc., also depends t upon correct identification and classification of pest, disease, vector etc.
- It serves as a base for the development of other biological sciences like biogeography and
The science of classification thus contributes to a larger extent in advancing knowledge in
most of the other disciplines of biology.
Question.10 What are the major divisions in the plantae ? What is the basis for these divisions ? [SAII – 2014]
The major divisions in the kingdom plantae are :
(i) Thallophyta (ii) Bryophyta
(iii) Pteridophyta (iv) Gymnosperms
(v) Angiosperms.
The basis of these divisions are :
(a) Whether the plant body has well differentiated, distinct components.
(b) Whether the differentiated plant body has special tissues for the transport of water and other substances within it.
(c) The ability to bear seeds.
(d) Whether the seeds are enclosed within fruits.
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