CLASS 6TH | UNIT 1: NUMBERS | NUMBERS IN INDIA AND INTERNATIONAL SYSTEM | REVISION NOTES UncategorizedBy mekhalaschoolMarch 2, 2022Leave a comment(more…)
CLASS 6TH | UNIT 6: DATA HANDLING | Data Handling (Including pictograph and bar graph)| REVISION NOTES UncategorizedBy mekhalaschoolMarch 1, 2022Leave a comment(more…)
Class 6th | Unit 1: Numbers | Playing With Numbers | Revision Notes UncategorizedBy mekhalaschoolMarch 1, 2022Leave a comment(more…)
Class 6th | Unit 1: Numbers | Estimation | Revision Notes UncategorizedBy mekhalaschoolMarch 1, 2022Leave a comment(more…)
CLASS 6TH | UNIT 2: RATIO, PROPORTION AND ARITHMETIC PROBLEMS | DECIMAL | REVISION NOTES UncategorizedBy mekhalaschoolMarch 1, 2022Leave a comment(more…)
Class 6th | Unit 2: Ratio, Proportion And Arithmetic Problems | Fractions | Revision Notes UncategorizedBy mekhalaschoolMarch 1, 2022Leave a comment(more…)
Class 6th | Unit 1: Numbers | Sets | Revision Notes UncategorizedBy mekhalaschoolMarch 1, 2022Leave a comment(more…)
Unit 3 Utility Service of Banking Notes| Class 9th Banking & Insurance Revision Notes Class 9th, Class 9th notes, UncategorizedBy mekhalaschoolFebruary 28, 2022Leave a comment(more…)
ICSE Class 6 Maths Chapter 1 Number System revision notes UncategorizedBy mekhalaschoolFebruary 28, 2022Leave a comment(more…)
CHAPTER -5 Water | CLASS 7TH | NCERT GEOGRAPHY IMPORTANT QUESTIONS & MCQS | EDUGROWN Class 7th, Class 7th Importnat questions, class 7th MCQs, UncategorizedBy RohitFebruary 25, 2022Leave a comment(more…)