Chandragupta I was the first important king of the Gupta dynasty. Samudra gupta proceeded on a long campaign of conquests in southern India.and northern india.
Harisena’s inscription gives an account of his reign and his love for music. His coins show him playing on a veena.
Chandra gupta II Vikramaditya defeated the Shakas. He maintained friendly relations with the Deccan kings. Skandagupta defeated the Hunas but his uccessors were weak. The Hunas attacked the Guptas. The empire broke up into small kingdoms.
The Guptas patronised Hinduism and sanskrit literature the ramayana the amhabharata and the puranas were rewritten Plays of Bhasa and the works of Kalidasa were composed . There was a great advance in the knowledge of mathematics and astronomy.
Aryabhatta and Varahamihira were two great astronomers and mathematicians. Books on medicine were also prepared.
The age saw a great advance in art and architectuer Hindu temples and images of gods were built.
The Budddhist architecture was well advanced. A mingling of various styles was visible. The Gupta Age is the Golden Age od ancuient India