Short Answer Type Questions:
Q1. What are the functions of Security Council?
Its main function is to maintain international peace and security in the world. Its other functions are as:• To investigate any dispute or situation which might lead to international friction.
• To recommend methods of adjusting such disputes or the terms of settlement.
• To formulate plans for the establishment of a system to regulate armaments.
• To determine the existence of a threat to the peace or act of aggression and to recommend what action should be taken.
• To call on Members to apply economic sanctions and other measures not involving the use of force to prevent or stop aggression.
• To take military action against an aggressor.
• To recommend the admission of new Members.
• To exercise the trusteeship functions of the United Nations in “strategic areas”.
• To recommend to the General Assembly the appointment of the Secretary-General and, together with the Assembly, to elect the Judges of the International Court of Justice.
Q2. As a citizen of India, how would you support India’s candidature for the permanent membership of Security Council? Justify your proposal.
As a citizen of India, we may support India’s candidature for the permanent membership of Security Council through various reasons:
• India is the second most populous country in the world with one-fifth of world population.
• India is world’s largest democracy.
• India has participated in virtually all of the initiatives of the UN.
• Its role in the UN’s peacekeeping efforts is a long and substantial one.
• India’s economic emergence on the World Stage.
• India is a regular financial contributor to the UN.
• India signifies a growing importance in world affairs in conduct of its foreign policy.
Q3. Critically evaluate the difficulties involved in implementing the suggested reforms to reconstruct the UN.
There are various difficulties involved in implementing the suggested reforms to reconstruct the UN:
• How big an economic and military power may qualify to become UNSC membership?
• What level of budget contribution should be enabled?
• No guarantee to be effective as Council Member in respect for democracy and human rights.
• Why should the issue of equitable representation decided by geography? Why not by levels of economic development?
• Why not to give more seats to members of developing world?
Q4. Though the UN has failed in preventing wars and related miseries, nations prefer its continuation. What makes the UN an indispensable organisation?
• The growing connections and links between societies and issues often called ‘interdependence’—it is hard to imagine how more than seven billion people would live together without an organisation such as the UN.
• Technology promises to increase planetary interdependence, and therefore the importance of the UN will only increase.
• To tackle the issues of poverty, unemployment, environmental degradation, crime rate etc.
• To provide financial assistance to developing countries to stabilise economy all over the world,, the UN and its specialised agencies are always required.
• The UN works as an international forum to solve any international dispute among nations and sort out the best possible way.
Due to these reasons, though the UN has failed in preventing related wars and miseries, despite the nations require its continuation and helping to promote international peace and understanding.
Q5. “Reforming the UN means restructuring of the Security Council”. Do you agree with this statement? Give arguments for or against this position.
Yes, we do agree with the statement because Security Council plays a crucial role in functioning of the UN. It represents the and five permanent members and their veto power provide them valuable outstanding position. Permanent members category is mainly from developed economy which should be balanced by enhancing representation from developing countries. Other way through which Security Council to make the UN more effective is inclusion of member states should be judged on the basis of contribution to peace keeping initiatives.
Long Answer Type Questions:
Q1. Describe any six criteria for the new membership of Security Council as suggested after 1997.
Answer: A new member, as suggested after 1997, should beQ
(i ) A major economic power
(ii) A major military power.
(iii) A substantial contributor to the UN budget.
(iv) A big nation in terms of its populations.
(v) A nation that respects democracy and human rights
(vi) A country that would make the Council more representative of the world’s diversity in terms of geography, economic system, and culture.
Q2. Examine the role played by India in the implementation of UN policies and programmes.
Answer: 1. India believes that a strengthened and revitalised UN is desirable in the changing world.
2. India also supports an enhanced role for the UN in promoting development and cooperation among states.
3. India believes that the development
should be central to the UN’s agenda as it is a vital precondition for the maintenance of international peace and security.
4. India debates more representation in Security Council may enjoy greater support in world community.
5. India has major concern about restructuring of UN Security Council.
6. India supports the role of developing countries should be represented in Security Council in decision making.
Q3. How far did the UN perform its role successor fully in maintaining peace in the world? Explain.
Answer: 1. Interdependence and globalisation is not possible without the international organisations such as the UN.
2. To enhance cooperation on the issues of poverty, unemployment, environmental degradation, crime rate etc.
3. To provide financial assistance to developing countries to stabilise economy all over the world, the UN and its specialized agencies are always required.
4. The UN works as a forum to solve any international dispute among nations and sort out the best possible.
5. Hence, though the UN has failed in preventing any related wars and miseries, despite the nations require its continuation due to above mentioned reasons to promote international peace and understanding.
Q4. Suggest any six steps since 2005 to make the United Nations more relevant in the changing context.
Answer: In September 2005, the UN celebrated its 60th anniversary and leaders decided to make it more relevant in the changing context by following steps:
1. Creation of Peace Building Commission.
2. Acceptance of the responsibility of the international community in case of failures of national governments to protect their own citizens from atrocities.
3. Establishment of a Human Rights Council (Operational Since 19 June 2006).
4. Agreements to achieve the Millennium Development Goals.
5. Condemnation of terrorism in all its forms and manifestations.
6. Creation of a Democracy Fund.
7. An agreement to wind up the Trusteeship Council.
Q5. Can the UN serve as a balance against the US dominance?
Answer: No, the UN can not serve against the US dominance in a comfort zone because:
1. The US has been the only superpower after 1991 and may ignore international organisations economically and militarily.
2. Its veto power can stop any move damaging its interests.
3. The US enjoys a considerable degree of say in the selection of the UN Secretary General.
Besides the above mentioned grounds, the UN is playing an effective role to argument against the US attitudes and policies and makes compromises and concessions even or the part of the US. The EU performs as an important bloc in International Economic Organisations such as WTO but SAARC has initiated SAFTA only to cooperate economically among its member states.
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