Chapter - 2 The Rebel
Question 1.
The rebel is likely to refuse the offer which is:
(a) refused by others
(b) accepted by others
(c) ignored by others
(d) ridiculed by others
(b) accepted by others
Question 2.
The rebel is a person who does exactly
(a) what others do
(b) what others like
(c) the opposite of what others do
(d) what he likes
(c) the opposite of what others do
Question 3.
The opposite of rebel is:
(a) insurgent
(b) revolter
(c) supporter
(d) traitor
(c) supporter
Question 4.
A rebel is generally:
(a) admired
(b) liked
(c) praised
(d) disliked
(d) disliked
Question 5.
A rebel does:
(a) what others do
(b) the opposite of what everybody does
(c) what he likes
(d) nothing
(b) the opposite of what everybody does
Question 6.
When the trend is of long hair he:
(a) loves to keep it so
(b) hates to keep it so
(c) goes for short hair
(d) both (a) and (b)
(c) goes for short hair
Question 7.
If the activity in the classroom is noisy:
(a) he will sit quietly
(b) he will add to its noise
(c) he will rush out
(d) both (b) and (c)
(a) he will sit quietly
Question 8.
The noun form of ‘grow’ is:
(a) growing
(b) will grow
(c) grew
(d) growth
(d) growth
Question 9.
A rebel’s dress sense is to what others think about it:
(a) similar
(b) proportionate
(c) opposite
(d) trendy
(c) opposite
Question 10.
A rebel loves to keep:
(a) a wild animal if others keep a domesticated one
(b) a dog if others keep a cat
(c) company with only dogs
(d) both (a) and (c)
(b) a dog if others keep a cat
Question 11.
What must be the opinion of a rebel,
(a) teaching the society to be dutiful
(b) obeying the rules
(c) bringing disharmony
(d) bringing about the change
Answer: (d) bringing about the change
Question 12.
What does a rebel do when nobody talks during the class?
(a) creates a disturbance
(b) spoils the atmosphere
(c) teaches the teacher
(d) runs away
Answer: (a) creates a disturbance
Question 13.
What does the rebel do?
(a) defy others
(b) disobey others
(c) trust others
(d) love others
Answer: (a) defy others
Question 14.
Why does the rebel demand for the rain when everybody is praising the sun?
(a) he is craving for rain
(b) he hates the sun
(c) he is not happy with what everybody likes
(d) none of the above
Answer: (c) he is not happy with what everybody likes
Question 15.
What does a rebel do when everybody wears a uniform?
(a) he wears a uniform
(b) he wears a sun coat
(c) he dresses soberly
(d) he dresses in fantastic clothes
Answer: (d) he dresses in fantastic clothes
When everybody has short hair,
The rebel lets his hair grow long.
When everybody has long hair,
The rebel cuts his hair short
When everybody talks during the lesson,
The rebel doesn’t say a word.
When nobody talks during the lesson,
The rebel creates a disturbance.
Question 1.
The rebel disturbs a class
(a) with his shouts and cries
(b) with his Jokes
(c) with his talk
(d) by moving about
(c) with his talk
Question 2.
A rebel does
(a) not behave well
(b) everything expected of him
(c) take up challenges
(d) the opposite of what all others do
(d) the opposite of what all others do
Question 3.
The rebel will sit quietly when
(a) he is troubled
(b) all others talk
(c) he has fought
(d) he is hurt
(b) all others talk
When everybody is praising the sun.
The rebel remarks on the need for rain.
When everybody is greeting the rain.
The rebel regrets the absence of sun.
When everybody goes to the meeting,
The rebel stays at home and reads a book.
When everybody stays at home and reads a book.
The rebel goes to the meeting.
Question 1.
Most of the people attend meeting when
(a) the rebel is sleeping
(b) the rebel stays at home
(c) the rebel is busy In file work
(d) the rebel is discussing other matters
(b) the rebel stays at home
Question 2.
Reading a book is possible only
(a) at the office
(b) at home
(c) In the public library
(d) in the home library
(b) at home
Question 3.
A rebel decides his action
(a) when all are sleeping
(b) when he knows what others are doing
(c) when all are talking
(d) when he Is free
(b) when he knows what others are doing
When everybody wears a uniform,
The rebel dresses hi fantastic clothes.
When everybody wears fantastic clothes,
The rebel dresses soberly.
In the company of dog lovers.
The rebel expresses a preference for cats.
In the company of cat lovers,
The rebel puts in a good word for dogs.
Questions 1.
What is the chief characteristic of a rebel?
The chief characteristic of a rebel is that he does exactly opposite of what most people do.
Question 2.
Which type of dress does a rebel like?
A rebel has no Liking for any dress ln.particuiar. l-lis only aim is not to dress himself as others do.
Question 3.
Does a rebel love dogs?
No. the rebel does not love dogs. However, he will speak in their favour only when someone is speaking well of the cats. lie must lake a different stand.
When everybody says. Yes please.
The rebel says. No thank you.
When everybody says. No thank you.
The rebel says, Yes please.
It Is very good that we have rebels.
You may not find it very good to be one.
Questions 1.
Which things does a rebel accept?
A rebel accepts those things which others refuse.
Question 2.
Which things does a rebel refuse?
A rebel refuses those things which others accept.
Question 3.
Why will someone not want to be a rebel?
The rebels are generally not liked by the people. so no one will want to be a rebel.
Question 1.
Answer the following questions :
(i) If someone doesn’t wear a uniform to school, what do you think thee teacher will say ?
The teacher will say that one should not do it again in future. He may punish the student for not wearing the uniform.
(ii) When everyone wants a clear sky, what does the rebel want most ?
The rebel wishes for the rain.
Question 1.
Answer the following questions :
(i) If someone doesn’t wear a uniform to school, what do you think thee teacher will say ?
The teacher will say that one should not do it again in future. He may punish the student for not wearing the uniform.
(ii) When everyone wants a clear sky, what does the rebel want most ?
The rebel wishes for the rain.
(iii) If the rebel has a dog for a pet, what is everyone else likely to have ?
Everyone is likely to have a kitten.
(iv) Why is it good to have rebels ?
The rebels act as critics who always keep things under control.
(v) Why is it not good to be a rebel oneself ?
One will always live in tense atmosphere.
(vi) Would you like to be a rebel ? If yes, why ? If not, why not?
No, I do not want to be a rebel in general. A rebel would not get regard and respect in the surrounding.
Question 2.
Find in the poem an antoynm (a word opposite in meaning) for each of the following words.
(i) long ………………
(ii) grow …………
(iii) quietness ………….
(iv) sober. ……………..
(v) lost ………
(i) long – short
(ii) grow – die
(iii) quietness – noisy
(iv) sober – fantastic
(v) lost – found
Question 3.
Find in the poem lines that match the following. Read both one after the other.
(i) The rebel refuses to cut his hair.
(ii) He says cats are better.
(iii) He recommends dogs.
(iv) He is unhappy because there is no sun.
(v) He is noisy on purpose.
(i) The rebel refuses to cut his hair
when everyone has short hair.
(ii) He says cats are better
When everyone loves dog.
(iii) He recommends dog
When everyone loves cat
(iv) He is unhappy because there is no sun
When everyone wishes for sun
(v) He is noisy on purpose
When everyone wishes to be quiet.
The Rebel Introduction
A rebel is a person who fights against injustice in general. It is good to have ‘real rebels They act as critics who always keep the chain of the society move well. Of course, generally the rebels do not get regard and respect in their contemporary world but praised by the coming generation, if they give something better and fruitful.
The Rebel Word notes
NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English Honeycomb Poem 2 The Rebel
The Rebel Complete hindi translation
Do you know (Page 33)
क्या आप किसी ऐसे व्यक्ति को जानते हैं जो सदैव तुमसे या तुम्हारे दोस्तों से असहमत रहता है, या हर व्यक्ति की सोच का उलटा करना पसंद करता है? ऐसे व्यक्ति को परिभाषित करने के लिए एक शब्द सोचिये। ऐसे व्यक्ति द्वारा की गई कुछ बातों के बारे में अपने सहपाठी के विचार-विमर्श कीजिए।
1. When everybody …… ………….clothes. (Page 33)
जब सब के बाल छोटे होते हैं, विरोधी अपने बालों को लम्बा करने की सोचता है। जब सबके बाल लम्बे होते हैं, तो विरोधी (विद्रोही) अपने बाल छोटे कर लेता है। जब हर कोई पाठ के बीच बोलता है तो विद्रोही एक शब्द भी नहीं बोलता। जब पाठ के बीच में कोई नहीं बोल रहा होता तो विद्रोही परेशानी उत्पन्न कर देता है। जब प्रत्येक वर्दी पहनता है तो विद्रोही भड़कीले वस्त्रों में सजकर आता है।
2. When everybody ……………. (Pages 33-34)
जब हर कोई भड़कीले वस्त्रों को पहनता है तो विद्रोही सादे कपड़े पहनता है। कुत्तों से प्यार रखने वालों के बीच, विद्रोही बिल्लियों के लिए अपनी प्राथमिकता दिखाता है। बिल्ली को प्यार करने वालों के बीच विद्रोही कुत्तों के लिए अच्छी शब्दावली का प्रयोग करता है। जब प्रत्येक व्यक्ति सूर्य की प्रशंसा करता है तब विद्रोही वर्षा की आवश्यकता पर टिप्पणी करता है। जब प्रत्येक वर्षा के आगमन पर खुश होता है तो विद्रोही सूर्य की अनुपस्थिति पर खेद व्यक्त करता है।
3. When everybody……………… ………….one. (Page 34)
जब हर कोई सभा के लिए जाता है तो विद्रोही घर पर ठहरता है और पुस्तक पढ़ता है। जब प्रत्येक घर पर ठहरता है और पुस्तक पढ़ता है तो विद्रोही सभा पर चला जाता है। जब हर कोई ‘हाँ जी कहिए’ कहता है तो विद्रोही ‘न धन्यवाद’ कहता है। जब हर कोई ‘न धन्यवाद’ कहता है तो विद्रोही ‘हाँ जनाब’ कहता है। यह अच्छा है कि हमारे पास विद्रोही हैं। तुम इनमें से एक होकर अच्छा महसूस नहीं करोगे!
(iii) If the rebel has a dog for a pet, what is everyone else likely to have ?
Everyone is likely to have a kitten.
(iv) Why is it good to have rebels ?
The rebels act as critics who always keep things under control.
(v) Why is it not good to be a rebel oneself ?
One will always live in tense atmosphere.
(vi) Would you like to be a rebel ? If yes, why ? If not, why not?
No, I do not want to be a rebel in general. A rebel would not get regard and respect in the surrounding.
Question 2.
Find in the poem an antoynm (a word opposite in meaning) for each of the following words.
(i) long ………………
(ii) grow …………
(iii) quietness ………….
(iv) sober. ……………..
(v) lost ………
(i) long – short
(ii) grow – die
(iii) quietness – noisy
(iv) sober – fantastic
(v) lost – found
Question 3.
Find in the poem lines that match the following. Read both one after the other.
(i) The rebel refuses to cut his hair.
(ii) He says cats are better.
(iii) He recommends dogs.
(iv) He is unhappy because there is no sun.
(v) He is noisy on purpose.
(i) The rebel refuses to cut his hair
when everyone has short hair.
(ii) He says cats are better
When everyone loves dog.
(iii) He recommends dog
When everyone loves cat
(iv) He is unhappy because there is no sun
When everyone wishes for sun
(v) He is noisy on purpose
When everyone wishes to be quiet.
The Rebel Introduction
A rebel is a person who fights against injustice in general. It is good to have ‘real rebels They act as critics who always keep the chain of the society move well. Of course, generally the rebels do not get regard and respect in their contemporary world but praised by the coming generation, if they give something better and fruitful.
The Rebel Word notes
The Rebel Complete hindi translation
Do you know (Page 33)
क्या आप किसी ऐसे व्यक्ति को जानते हैं जो सदैव तुमसे या तुम्हारे दोस्तों से असहमत रहता है, या हर व्यक्ति की सोच का उलटा करना पसंद करता है? ऐसे व्यक्ति को परिभाषित करने के लिए एक शब्द सोचिये। ऐसे व्यक्ति द्वारा की गई कुछ बातों के बारे में अपने सहपाठी के विचार-विमर्श कीजिए।
1. When everybody …… ………….clothes. (Page 33)
जब सब के बाल छोटे होते हैं, विरोधी अपने बालों को लम्बा करने की सोचता है। जब सबके बाल लम्बे होते हैं, तो विरोधी (विद्रोही) अपने बाल छोटे कर लेता है। जब हर कोई पाठ के बीच बोलता है तो विद्रोही एक शब्द भी नहीं बोलता। जब पाठ के बीच में कोई नहीं बोल रहा होता तो विद्रोही परेशानी उत्पन्न कर देता है। जब प्रत्येक वर्दी पहनता है तो विद्रोही भड़कीले वस्त्रों में सजकर आता है।
2. When everybody ……………. (Pages 33-34)
जब हर कोई भड़कीले वस्त्रों को पहनता है तो विद्रोही सादे कपड़े पहनता है। कुत्तों से प्यार रखने वालों के बीच, विद्रोही बिल्लियों के लिए अपनी प्राथमिकता दिखाता है। बिल्ली को प्यार करने वालों के बीच विद्रोही कुत्तों के लिए अच्छी शब्दावली का प्रयोग करता है। जब प्रत्येक व्यक्ति सूर्य की प्रशंसा करता है तब विद्रोही वर्षा की आवश्यकता पर टिप्पणी करता है। जब प्रत्येक वर्षा के आगमन पर खुश होता है तो विद्रोही सूर्य की अनुपस्थिति पर खेद व्यक्त करता है।
3. When everybody……………… ………….one. (Page 34)
जब हर कोई सभा के लिए जाता है तो विद्रोही घर पर ठहरता है और पुस्तक पढ़ता है। जब प्रत्येक घर पर ठहरता है और पुस्तक पढ़ता है तो विद्रोही सभा पर चला जाता है। जब हर कोई ‘हाँ जी कहिए’ कहता है तो विद्रोही ‘न धन्यवाद’ कहता है। जब हर कोई ‘न धन्यवाद’ कहता है तो विद्रोही ‘हाँ जनाब’ कहता है। यह अच्छा है कि हमारे पास विद्रोही हैं। तुम इनमें से एक होकर अच्छा महसूस नहीं करोगे!
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